Recent content by Jolty

  1. Jolty

    70,000 Tons 2018

    Yeah, that was the most fun I've ever had. I have so many new metal brothers and sisters. And this is my new favourite picture ever:
  2. Jolty

    70,000 Tons 2018

    So I literally starved myself for two months so I could be on this damn boat this year. Anyone else going to be there? I think it would be neat to have a mini forum meetup if anyone reads this in time.
  3. Jolty

    Martin Henriksson leaves Dark Tranquillity

    I really missed seeing him live when they played here. I hope he's well.
  4. Jolty

    Curious about this weird version of Atoma I have...

    I've been meaning to ask about this for almost a year now. I have a very strange version of Atoma that I got as a Reddit Secret Santa gift last year. It came from Vancouver, apparently. Photos here: I feel like it's an unfinished...
  5. Jolty

    Mystery DT Shirts?

    Does anyone know anything about these two shirts? I bought them five years ago at Wacken, and I've always been curious. I remember the "in the presence of greatness" design being on the DT homepage for a while, and the design on the red/black shirt being the North American tour shirt for 2006...
  6. Jolty

    New DARK TRANQUILLITY Will Be Fast And Sound Like The Band's Old Material

    Construct has been my favourite of the "new" albums (aka everything released after Damage Done), but I definitely don't want them to just release "another Construct". Variety is the spice of life or w/e.
  7. Jolty

    Your DT TOP10

    Monochromatic Stains ThereIn Lethe Mundane & the Magic (so many live memories, makes me feel all warm inside) Dobermann Alone Hedon Treason Wall Zodijackyl Light Indifferent Suns
  8. Jolty

    Insomnium/Omnium Gatherum North American Tour 2015!

    I'll be seeing them in Calgary. Been calling that show "Insomnium Gatherum". :P
  9. Jolty

    70,000 Tons?

    I'm probably just talking to myself at this point, but has anyone from this forum ever been to 70,000 Tons of Metal? I'm thinking of going in 2016, (regardless of whether or not DT plays -- it would be nice if they did, but I'm not counting on it) and I'd definitely be interested in meeting...
  10. Jolty

    DT 2015 USA Tour w/Insomnium

    No one is playing bass. It's pre-recorded.
  11. Jolty

    Now Playing... Video Games thread!

    My desperate attempt at breathing life into this forum. Everyone loves video games, right? I'm actually not too much of a gamer (mostly for financial reasons), but lately I've been enjoying Far Cry 4, and I'm about to start South Park: Stick of Truth. I'm also about halfway through Bravely...
  12. Jolty

    DT 2015 USA Tour w/Insomnium

    They played Monochromatic Stains! :tickled::tickled::tickled::tickled::tickled:
  13. Jolty

    Updating my dt tattoo?

    Yeah, I'm going to get the outline thickened/reblackened, and I'm not sure what colours I want to add, but I definitely do want colours.
  14. Jolty

    Septic Broiler (pre-Dark Tranquillity) original demo for sale

    If I wasn't severely strapped for cash right now, I'd be all over this. Good luck selling it.
  15. Jolty

    Updating my dt tattoo?

    After a few years, my dt tattoo is starting to look pretty terrible... I honestly don't think the artist did a great job to begin with, and I think I'd like to get some colours added. Here's how it looked when I first had it done: And here's how it looks now. Note that I took the...