Recent content by Kekkonen's Parrot

  1. Kekkonen's Parrot

    Roy The Reaper bobblehead

    Bought five of these expecting +1 to something (and a level-up). I still suck IRL though, trying to get my money back now :(
  2. Kekkonen's Parrot

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    He's a'gurbl, waiting for you, O young padawan also: Anal Cunt
  3. Kekkonen's Parrot

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    A blimp. A blomp. Aaahblilmbbo-blomb-yog-sothothe-a-GAAH! Roope-nyAAARgh, rules, Ia, Ia, drums, drums and keyb'll be heard, arlaaggaaarrhhh, demm sea peoplem widdem horribul smellfull feces, nnnyyyaaaarggghhh..FHTAGN yaarrhg, Ghrybl-doom, JANNE! The saviour!!! Regardless, I think the new album...
  4. Kekkonen's Parrot

    CoB scares of Asia

    Asia is hard to manage logistically (=expensive). Korea and Japan are closely located, with a considerable fan base, so it makes sense to go there. Iran has some other problems in addition to logistics, as you might already know.
  5. Kekkonen's Parrot


    Happy birthday Roope :Smokedev:
  6. Kekkonen's Parrot

    How long have you been a Bodom fan?

    I bought the 'Children of Bodom' single when it was released in 1998. I can still remember the price, 10 FIM, because there's a huge price tag stamped right in the middle of the damn thing, and it is absolutely impossible to remove it without tearing the cover :mad: First time I saw CoB live...
  7. Kekkonen's Parrot

    European headlining tour 2009

    Oh February hear my prayer and be as short as possible. (waiting for March 1st.) - Cheers, KP
  8. Kekkonen's Parrot

    Favorite Bodom Album

    (Beer + Stockholm Knockout Live DVD) = fun times. :kickass: (Tokyo Warhearts is not listed)
  9. Kekkonen's Parrot

    Alexi at NAMM 2009

    I blame the finger fairy :mad:
  10. Kekkonen's Parrot

    European headlining tour 2009

    ^ ok thanks, I ordered the tickets. Bought one for my brother as a christmas present too :)
  11. Kekkonen's Parrot

    European headlining tour 2009

    I'm pondering if I should buy tickets for the Helsinki gig. Couple of questions: - CoB is the headliner, right? So they'll play a full set (~ 1-2 hrs.)? - How is the icehall sound-wise? I've only visited Hartwall Arena (+clubs) in Helsinki.
  12. Kekkonen's Parrot


    I'm into negative thinking, it's a closet in my eyes ;)
  13. Kekkonen's Parrot


    Tickets will be available from Sept. 8th (=monday). I'll definitely try to get one, but I know it's a pipe dream because they will sell like hot cakes and Tavastia is a small venue. But you never know, maybe I'll be lucky this time :kickass:
  14. Kekkonen's Parrot

    the albums in your mother tongue

    Hey native English speakers, I was wondering if blooddrunk has the same meaning as bloodlust? In that case Blooddrunk would be verenhimo in Finnish.
  15. Kekkonen's Parrot

    Happy Birthday Roope

    I'm late, but happy birthday anyway you magnificient bastard! I saw you with Stone in Sauna Open Air. My life is made now.