Recent content by Mantraschism

  1. Mantraschism

    LEVEL 10-Chapter One (Featuring Russell Allen & Mat Sinner)

    Wow, I'm getting a nice '80s-Sabbath vibe from this. Sounds fantastic!
  2. Mantraschism

    Throwback tour 2015

    No kidding? This is awesome! Where are they doing this tour? Here's a set I'd like to see, in no particular order: Angelica Restless Oblivion Shroud of Frost Eternity, Pts. 1, 2, and 3 Lovelorn Rhapsody Sleepless Sunset of Age The Silent Enigma A Dying Wish They Die The Beloved
  3. Mantraschism

    Fallujah..anyone? Atmospheric Death Metal of the highest caliber

    Haha, right on. I don't mind people liking something I don't. In fact, I much prefer to like something than to dislike it, but my tastes don't cover everything, you know?
  4. Mantraschism

    A new Blind Guardian release

    I'm so happy about this. I've loved Blind Guardian for a long time, and new music from them is always most welcome in my world.
  5. Mantraschism

    Fallujah..anyone? Atmospheric Death Metal of the highest caliber

    No. I already hated their band name, and upon hearing their music, it just sounds like washed-out modern extreme metal with bad production. I wish this kind of thing would go away.
  6. Mantraschism

    I will strangle anyone who gets Anathema to play a "Single Album" set...

    I agree, unless that album were 'Eternity'.
  7. Mantraschism

    Excellent Emperor news!

    Just because they have no plans now to do any more reunion shows doesn't mean they never will. They said they were finished after 'Prometheus', and a few years later, they were back on stage. Minds and circumstances change over time. I hope that theirs will and that they do a U.S. tour, because...
  8. Mantraschism

    Roll Call: King Diamond at Center Stage

    I'm really glad I got to see King Diamond before his hiatus, because it looks like I'll be missing this show. All the tickets sold out instantly, and even if they hadn't poverty would most likely have prevented me from buying one. *sigh* On the bright side, at least I know that I've seen...
  9. Mantraschism

    All Play Dead is my favorite Nevermore song

    I love 'All Play Dead'. To me, this song and 'Cenotaph' make for the most haunting part of the album, even though I won't go as far as saying they're my favorite songs on it. It feels like they represent the last remnants of the protagonist's sanity going away, and in 'No More Will' he's finally...
  10. Mantraschism

    Anathema: I'm thrilled beyond words...

    I've loved this band for a long time. The first album I bought of theirs was 'The Silent Enigma', based on nothing more than the band name, logo, front cover, and song titles. I've been a big fan of theirs ever since. 'Eternity' is my favorite Anathema album overall, but I love all their stuff...
  11. Mantraschism

    Rank your top 5 Symphony X albums (and post your top 3 songs from each album)

    That line bothers me a bit too, but it's possible that what he means is, 'I wonder why we, as a species, don't question why.' Also, 'closely related synonyms'? As opposed to distantly related, or unrelated, synonyms? What does that mean? They're either synonyms or they aren't (aren't, in this...
  12. Mantraschism

    Your ProgPower performance...

    was amazing! Thanks for the great show, guys. You have a new fan. Rock on. -Ryan
  13. Mantraschism

    Post your dream Stratovarius setlist (12 songs)

    The Kiss of Judas Abandon A Million Light Years Away Chasing Shadows Destiny Hunting High and Low Castles in the Air Black Diamond Father Time 4,000 Rainy Nights Unbreakable Infinity
  14. Mantraschism

    Orden Ogan

    Hmm, guess I need to give it another spin then. It's been a while.
  15. Mantraschism

    Ihsahn - New Song "Hiber"

    I'll definitely still pick this up, since it is Ihsahn, after all. I think everyone's got the wrong idea about that. I just hope it's a bit more like 'angL' overall, if not in style, then in quality. That album blew me away when it came out, and I already thought 'The Adversary' was damn good...