Recent content by Pants Sinner

  1. P

    Do your parents like Bodom?

    You haven't met my parents man.
  2. P

    Do your parents like Bodom?

    I love your mom. Edit: When i lived with my parents they HATED ALL metal, but they had a serious hate on for Children of Bodom. Now every time they come to visit i play CoB so they'll go home quicker :-)
  3. P

    Which cover track would you like COB to perform live?

    Well for me it's a toss up between She is Beautiful & Somebody put something in my drink I guess i gotta go with She is Beautiful cuz it reminds me of my fiancée...
  4. P

    Alexi's barbed wire tattoo,

    Good idea.
  5. P

    Alexi's barbed wire tattoo,

    Again with your arrogance. You were just being a total dick to someone who just asked for help, it's nothing to do with Children of Bodom it's just you. There's no "Fanboy" group, just arrogant assholes like yourself who think they're just plain better than everyone else. Now, why don’t you...
  6. P

    Alexi's barbed wire tattoo,

    I can see from your posts you must be pretty intelligent.. *cough*
  7. P

    Alexi's barbed wire tattoo,

    What an amazing contribution... Ever notice that when you get behind a keyboard, some jack-ass starts typing?
  8. P

    Alexi's barbed wire tattoo,

    What valid argument? You're just calling people names? I bet you're the kid who got their ass kicked on a daily basis by all the other delinquents at school. Stop talking shit (I know this is hard with your head that far up your own ass) and act like somewhat of a human being. @eveningninja...
  9. P

    Alexi's barbed wire tattoo,

    Calm the fuck down guys - AlexiBitchTerror just wants some pics for a tat he wants to get, you don't need to give him shit for that. Noel, Go eat Dr.House's ass - you're acting like a condescending bastard, much like House... *cough* fanboy *cough*
  10. P

    Make your COB setlist..

    Something Wild Lake Bodom Touch like the angel of death Hatebreeder Hatebreeder Black Widow Follow the Reaper Kissing the Shadows Everytime i Die Hate Crew Deathroll Angels Don't Kill Needled 24/7 Are you Dead Yet? Trashed Lost, and Strungout Punch me i bleed Bloodrunk...
  11. P

    Next CoB tour in Australia?

    Iuanno? Maybe a die-hard fan/stalker over heard something?
  12. P

    How long have you been a Bodom fan?

    About 6 years give or take.
  13. P

    Alexi Laiho plays In Your Face live at EMG Studio - Discussion + future IYF tab

    The sound was clean but it was eh for me, I actually like the rough sound in In Your Face - Cleaning it up is a mistake of epic proportions for me. Should of been done on SixPounder or Trashed Lost & Strungout in my opinion.
  14. P

    Next CoB tour in Australia?

    Anyone know when CoB will tour Australia next? I checked their site but couldn't find anything :/
  15. P

    Banned From Heaven played backwards

    I use Sony Vegas 8.0 lol