Recent content by randalph

  1. R

    Kayo Dot/Maudlin of the Well tabs

    I just recently decided I wanted to go back and try and finish some maudlin/kayo dot tabs I started forever ago. I started with Parsifal from Madonnawhore cause I have been wanting to learn that one for a while now. Putting the guitar pro tab on ultimate guitar pending approval, in the meantime...
  2. R

    Damn Cooperative Living..

    Please?...( i meant i had basicaly posted the same thing twice ).
  3. R

    Damn Cooperative Living..

    I took some notes on bath. I'll have to listen to leaving your body map tommorow ( because of the musical curfue ) and than i'll really get on it. Sorry for posting twice.
  4. R

    Damn Cooperative Living..

    Thanks. I actually think someone could not properly understand they're lyrics without at least some research into this. Im not going into this blindfolded but if some would like to get back into it ( i saw some trying to to do it in a different thread ) Im here to try. ( By the way..not that...
  5. R

    Damn Cooperative Living..

    Thanks.. but i figured most people who listened to maudlin ( at least moderatly ) would know..or have to knowthat it has some relation to the kabbalah in order to unstand the lyrics.
  6. R

    Damn Cooperative Living..

    I decided to try and decipher byron's puzzle and also gain a deeper sense of maudlin's lyrics with a better understanding of the tree of life, greek mythology ect.. But i was wondering if any of you also live in an area where "loud music is not acceptable after eleven"...just finished listening...
  7. R

    Kayo Dot/MotW tunings

    Once your in that tuning it's not too difficult. Try striking some notes in a power chord fingering on the top three strings and you should be able to recognize the chords played in the middle of the song. Just try feeling around and it shoudn't be too difficult.
  8. R

    Kayo Dot/Maudlin of the Well tabs

    Here is the link to a tab for about half of A conception pathetic It's not perfect but i thought i would post it before i completely forgot about it ( it's a combination of the live at progwest version and the album one ). I might get to finishing it if...
  9. R

    Kayo Dot/MotW tunings

    I think that the tuning for the antique is B A C G C E. Thats how i play it and it seems to match the fingerings toby uses in a live performance i saw on you tube.
  10. R

    maudlin of the Well: Part the Second

    I'l keep trying then. thanks.
  11. R

    maudlin of the Well: Part the Second

    Hi, i downloaded the mp3's from the website several times but for some reason certain files don't seem to get recognized ( usually the first and last songs ). Iv'e also had the same problem with the flac. and wav. files; they just wont play on any media player besides the 2nd, 3rd and 4th songs...
  12. R

    i really wanna listen to some opeth right now

    How about lybm? Much better album than morningrise, It was fun because it had been a while.
  13. R

    i really wanna listen to some opeth right now

    Which album? i just listened to morningrise the other day it had been a while but it was still pretty awesome!
  14. R

    playing motw songs

    Does anyone know what the tuning for violins are on the interludes? i just started playing and i wanted to learn the interludes but im not sure how i should tune my violin to play these songs and i know its not standard tuning. If someone could help me out that would be great.