Recent content by theflyingmachine

  1. T

    Best Cannibal Corpse album?

    I just watched Charlies country for the first time this week and didn't know who that guy was before that. Great movie
  2. T

    Death Metal

    Thats a list! How's the new Omnioid?
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    GMD Poll: Exodus's Discography Ranked

    I liked an album by Hatebreed when in high school called Death of Desire. Pretty sure that was their debut then I started seeing all of the Hatebreed shirts sold in places that no self-respecting band would allow and assumed that they took a bad turn, which it sounds like they did, so I never...
  4. T

    Best Cannibal Corpse album?

    Vile is their best IMO. Butchered at birth and Eaten Back To Life are also essential. Bloodthirst is very good. You might appreciate The Bleeding and I used to enjoy that album but fucking hate it now
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    Pick one band and say what you think they're OVERRATED

    Agreed, mostly, but Harmony Corruption is a classic.
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    Pick one band and say what you think they're OVERRATED

    Entombed and Anthrax are spot on for this title. I can't get into Dismember now matter how much I listen to it Others, which seem to be entirely appreciated here...bolt thrower and The Chasm:D
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    Pick one band and say what you think they're OVERRATED

    Spiritual Healing seems to be the least favorite among many but it's definitely his best vocal performance. TSOP is also one of my favorites but it's jarring at first because he's clearly unable to do what he did earlier and had to modify hos vocal sound. It doesn't bother me now but did when I...
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    Pick one band and say what you think they're OVERRATED

    I used to go to a forum where people were absolutely ballistic about Death and remember reading someone write a poem to Chuck. If you had seen some of that, yeah, they are overrated. Here? Not overrated at all and maybe even underappreciated.
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    GMD Poll: Morbid Angel's Discography Ranked

    I think the slow-paced albums that they released in general are more hit-and-miss. Very few, if any, actually claim the I album is any good. Gateways is thought of by many as the best Steve Tucker album, but it would be a better EP IMO. I'm probably not rational in my Domination appreciation...
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    GMD Poll: Morbid Angel's Discography Ranked

    Good list. The only ranking that seemed to miss the boat was Domination. Going any below #4 on that one is insanity to me
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    GMD Poll: Morbid Angel's Discography Ranked

    Lol its not awful. Actually, probably their most memorable track on the album. Just a little hard to take seriously
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    GMD Poll: Morbid Angel's Discography Ranked

    Rapture, Sworn to the Black, and Angel of Disease are also classics IMO. Only weak track is God of Disease, but I see that as just an experimental thing that many bands like to put at the end of the album, so it doesn't really drag it down for me. I think this is their toughest album to digest...
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    GMD Poll: Morbid Angel's Discography Ranked

    1: Covenant - best album of the genre 2: Altars of Madness - I picked this up in 98 or so with minimal expectations, and ended up spinning it (or rewinding my cassette) much much longer than expected 3: Domination - this album got me into death metal and was one of my favorites for a long time...
  14. T

    Nomination Stage: Most consistent metal bands

    Cannibal corpse Dying fetus Immolation Death Not stylistically the same and maybe most won't even consider them metal, but GWAR has released surprisingly high quality albums over their 30 year career with only a couple of duds.
  15. T

    Death Metal

    Effigy is a classic, but I prefer Human Waste. The production is rawer, but clearer on Human Waste, whereas Effigy sounds like a blanket is on the speakers. I still enjoy pulling out Pierced once in a great while, but Human Waste and Despise the Sun are the two Suffocation releases that I listen...