Recent content by timothy sykes

  1. T

    Richard has landed

    hope you all have a great time nice to see you landed safe and sound keep the spirit free
  2. T

    Biff´s health

    thanks sammi and hodgepie , please lay off our german comrades , saxonator is a true gent and a mad as fuck saxon fan , give him the respect that you would expect yourself , this is a fans forum where we make mates arrange meets and discuss saxon related topics not slag other saxon fans because...
  3. T

    ODS oh my god

    everybody has a right to there opinions and no ones is more valid than the next guy for what its worth heres mine saxon matured as a band when nibbs joined , the songwriting became sharper and when doug joined the band the guitars became tighter, i have no problems with graham oliver or steve...
  4. T

    Biff´s health

    a pig bitch aint there web sites for that sort of thing lol seriously though its not about nationallities here, infact i would go as far to say that i went to wacken 2004 and the people of hamburg were some of the nicest friendliest people i have ever met, try going to wacken and see how the...
  5. T

    come on harvey put your money where your mouth is

    here here hodgepie im not defending kerrang at all just hoping that saxon were given a fair crack of the whip
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    come on harvey put your money where your mouth is

    you just dont get it do you no one reads that shite? well its sold in every supermarket in the country bands who are backed by the publication are headlining donington, getting airplay on kerrang music channel, getting slots on the kerrang metal stage at download..... meanwhile saxon get...
  7. T

    Biff´s health

    matrattz give me £104 so i can forward it on to sammi and paxo or the 300 euros i lost when they cancelled the last tour if you cant make a valid point , shut the fuck up if you think its fine to announce a tour wait 3 months and cancel it 9 days before it starts then i suggest you go...
  8. T

    come on harvey put your money where your mouth is

    i accept that there is an advert in classic rock but to be fair im 40 years old and my 16 year old son watches and reads kerrang, he will be seeing saxon on the upcoming tour , but without my musical roots and heritage how would he have found out about the tour. i want saxon to play to full...
  9. T

    Biff´s health

    i think better thourght and planning should have gone into the tour To tour europe and the uk during march april and may is always going to be risky due to the unpredictabillity of the weather ( hot venues cold night air air conditioned travel it really is a recipe for disaster also to...
  10. T

    come on harvey put your money where your mouth is

    why isnt there a decent sized advertisement in kerrang or metal hammer advertising the upcoming uk tour there seems to be half page spreads for bands who in my opinion are fucking shite my chemical romance are headling download this year and from where im sitting its solely on the fact that...
  11. T

    Sea Of Life - live??

    i was at bradford st georges on the same tour ( dogs of war ) and there were the same ammount of people there about 100 theres nothing wrong with the album so it must have been really bad promotion work for the tour talking of which why havent saxon got a decent spread in kerrang advertising...
  12. T

    The Review You've All Waited For?

    paxo you are so naughty now wheres my cassock hehehehehe
  13. T

    Old knacker signing in...........

    welcome aboard mate
  14. T

    The Review You've All Waited For?

    i think one of the beauties about saxon is that on every album as in concert there is something to take away that really gets the old motor running and this album is no different thanks for the review greggor i think your review was honest succinct and to the point, even though i dont agree...
  15. T

    Inner Sanctum review.

    saxonator quality review mate hey your english is way better than most who live here in our little country