Search results

  1. AntonioPetrole

    Acoustic Treatment Before And After Comparison

    Hey all, So I just moved into my new house and in doing so, I decided to put together a comparison between before and after acoustic treatment in my home studio. I've included the raw files from my field recorder in the video description so you can play around with it and do some analysis. I'd...
  2. AntonioPetrole

    [Tutorial] Input/Output Mapping In Reaper

    Hey all, Been super busy with moving to my new house among other things but I made some time for a quick tutorial. This may be a somewhat basic concept, but I have a feeling a lot of people overlook it just like I did for a long time. This is a sample tutorial on how to map your inputs and...
  3. AntonioPetrole

    Recommended Acoustic Drumkits

    Hey all, In the peak of electronic drum sampling and programming, I wanted to get everyone's 2 cents on recommended kits. I'm moving into a new place next month and I have a sweet basement that I plan on converting into a live drum room. I'm not looking to break the bank, however I'd like have...
  4. AntonioPetrole

    Horrendous 130hz Resonance In Guitars

    Hey guys, I started tracking something today and I can't stop hearing this absolutely horrible resonance at 130hz in both the DI's and reamps. I downloaded a few other peoples DI's and they aren't nearly as bass heavy as mine. I tried different picks, different methods of capture the DI...
  5. AntonioPetrole

    [Tutorial] DIY Fret Wrap

    So a few years ago when I was mega broke, I made a DIY fret wrap that I still use today. Here's a quick tutorial I made on how to make one in case you're also broke or just want another one floating around
  6. AntonioPetrole

    [Tutorial] Free Vocalign Alternative In Reaper

    Oi my dudes. I came across a sweet script on the cockos forums that has similar functionality to aligning takes in Vocalign (not vocal tuning). I made a quick video that ended up quite long, but I walk through all the steps on how to get/install it. Enjoy!
  7. AntonioPetrole

    September Mixing Contest - Win A Pair of BeyerDynamic DT770 Headphones

    Hey everyone! I'm running a mixing contest for the month of September. I'll be doing monthly contests with all different sorts of prizes and this is the first one! The contest starts today September 8th 2017 and will run until October 2nd at Midnight. For a full list of rules, go to my website...
  8. AntonioPetrole

    Skervesen Raptor 7

    Hey all! Selling my Skervesen to help pay for a Mayones Regius 7. Info below Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Skervesen Raptor 7 Modifications (if any): BKP Juggernauts Accessories (hardshell case etc): Hiscox Hardcase Location (City,State or City,Country): Bethlehem, PA...
  9. AntonioPetrole

    Merry Metal Christmas

    Hey all, Just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas for those who celebrate (and happy holidays to those who don't!) and post a fun little song my friend and I did. I'll have the stems up in a few weeks when I get back from South Korea/Laos. Everyone stay warm, safe, and have a great holiday.
  10. AntonioPetrole

    Some Melodic Death Metal Raws for you all!

    Hey all! Just released my 2 song demo for my project Avalerion. I've included the raw mixing files as well as already mixed stems below. If you dig the music or make a mix, I'd suuuuuper appreciate it if you could swing by the video and leave a comment or subscribe. Links are in the description...
  11. AntonioPetrole

    Avalerion - Nausicaa/Lost At Sea (Melodeath with raws and stems)

    Hey all! Just released my 2 song demo for my project Avalerion. I've included the raw mixing files as well as already mixed stems below. If you dig the music or make a mix, I'd suuuuuper appreciate it if you could swing by the video and leave a comment or subscribe. Links are in the description...
  12. AntonioPetrole

    Just Dropped 2 New Avalerion Songs (Melodic Death Metal)

    Hey all! So a few years ago I posted one of my Avalerion songs that was pretty well received for what it was. I just released 2 new songs! I rarely ever self promote my stuff on these forums, but this one is super special to me. I'd appreciate it if you could check it out if you're into it, if...
  13. AntonioPetrole

    Avalerion - Lost At Sea (Melodeath Mix)

    Hey all, Wanted to see if anyone could provide any input on this mix I have for some stuff being released. I'm pretty happy with it so far albeit a few things I'm not stoked on (rhythm clarity, kick drum mistriggering) but would love an extra pair of ears. I'll be posting stems and all that fun...
  14. AntonioPetrole

    Anyone have a studio in Seattle I could rent for a night or two?

    Hey dudes, I'm currently recording a 2 song release for my Avalerion project to be mixed by a killer engineer (won't spoil it just yet) at the end of the month. I'm tracking everything this week but I'll be in Seattle all next week for work (this Sunday-Thursday) and might need a fall back to...
  15. AntonioPetrole

    Looking for killer engineer for melodeath project

    Hey dudes, Long time no speak. I'm looking for recommendations for an engineer who can reamp/mix 2 melodeath songs I have. The reason I specify this is because the arrangements are fairly dense with guitar tracks and it's something I notice some engineers really struggle with. Looking for top...
  16. AntonioPetrole

    Fallujah - Sapphire (Full Cover)(Includes Mixing Stems)

    Hey all, Just finished my cover of Fallujah's "Sapphire". I don't think I've ever spent so much time on one song in my life and it completely kicked my ass between doing it and working my regular job. I've included the mixing stems in the description of the video, be sure to read the readme...
  17. AntonioPetrole

    Architects Of Extinction - Progressive Metal Instrumental

    Hey dudes! Just finished up this instrumental song. Not crazy about the guitar tone, but I didn't want to fight it and make it worse over time :) Enjoy! I'll be posting raws for this once I can record the vocal tracks for it. If there is enough interest, I could post the instrumental raws now.
  18. AntonioPetrole

    NGD Skervesen Raptor 7 and Cort A5

    Hey! I got some new goodies in the past month that I figured I'd share. I purchased a Skervesen Raptor 7 String and a Cort A5 5 String bass. I have a teaser photo below and an imgur album for more images. Here's a quick review Imgur album Family Photo Skervesen...
  19. AntonioPetrole

    Zalost (Deathcore) With Mixing Stems (Skervesen Raptor 7 Content)

    Hey all, I haven't played music/guitar/done vocals really in about 2 years, so here's my attempt to change it. I wrote this song last weekend and recorded it this week. I've included the raw mixing stems in the link in the description. I also bought a Skervesen to help fuel my desire to play...
  20. AntonioPetrole

    Arcadia - Nightfall (Raws included)

    Hey all, It's been a while, haven't been too involved with music over the past year or so. My friend and I started a project and just released our first single. You can download the raws from the link in the youtube description. Info on stufffff Vocals - Shure SM7b -> ISA One Preamp...