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  1. slimbill


    As far as i know all the members of the band have real day time jobs. I was just curious, is it possible to know what they do? I remember reading somewhere that Antti Kokko is a computer programmer but cant be sure.
  2. slimbill


    Iv logged on after quiet a while and i cant help but notice that all the threads are gone! Gone! Vanished and murdered! Where'd they go? Were the forums reset or something? And i don't know whether anybody agrees or not but it would be really nice if the band members kept updating us on the...
  3. slimbill

    Question about the forums

    Hey im new her, just joined up. i wanted to ask that why dont Kalmah make forums on their own website? i mean Antti Kokko is a computer programmer right? so why are the forums on a diffrent website?