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    A Full Song Of Stems For You


    Array of Mics for sale

    I have the following for sale for quite cheap. Gotta get rid of them, I'm moving soon. Audix i5 (x2) Audix d6 Shure Beta 57 (amazing on snare) Shure sm57 (x2) Shure sm58 (x2) MXL PM me if interested!

    MOVING SALE!!! (Getting rid of this stuff asap)

    The following for sale: Dbx 3bx Harmonic Expander (this thing rules, and is pretty rare) Peavey 50/50 classic all tube power amp (Little hidden jem) Custom built Carvin DC747 7 String Guitar. This is quite possibly the nicest guitar in the entire world (kidding, but it's amazing).... It's...

    Real Amps, Real Drums, Real Heavy

    Hey dudes! Check out my newest production: Drums are 100% real, with the exceptions of the kick being 50/50 real/sample. Gtrs are Engl Invader---Mesa OS---57 Mesa Dual Rect--Mesa Trad---57/421 For each guitar

    Offering Editing/Mixing/Mastering/Reamps For very cheap.

    Hey guys. I have about 2 weeks off coming up and I'd like to fill it up with some mixing an d editing! For reference, I Engineered the upcoming Miss May I album (At Heart), produced/engineered/mixed/mastered the upcoming The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza album as well...

    Offerent Basically Any Job ;)

    Here's the deal.. Had a shitty past landlord who's going bankrupt.. I wrote him a check for a shit ton of money for my last 6 months of rent.. He went bankrupt then cashed it the other day.. So.. To say the least, I'm in a bit of a financial FUCK for the next week or month. I'm...


    Hae guiz. My band, Anthem Alone is preparing to tour this summer so I've been shredding out our set list. Figured I'd tape one of the playthroughs. Check it:

    Already have raw tracks bounced for this!

    Who wants some of dis? **EDIT*** Ok guys. Please do not mind the bass too much. The two songs these guys did with me were only 'demos' for now, and then they come back for the LP. But the bass strings are not new, there are a few crossfade pops here and there, but if you don't like it, I'm...

    I've been making a drum library

    I've got lots of cool stuff on the way. Some processed, some not!!! Check out these so far. The kick and snare are both examples of my samples NOT THE TOMS!!!

    Analog Based VSTs

    Forgive me if there is already a topic, but I'm getting way into analog gear. I do intend to continue a collection of analog stuff, but in the mean time, what are some sick VST's your guys have been using that very well emulate analog algorithms? Right now I fucking DIG Sonalksis mk2 comp...


    Hey guys! So this needs to be fixed literally asap... I've had it with a guy for over 2 weeks now, and I've gotten nothing fixed. I have a western digital 2TB external hard drive...

    Fuck you, this album rules

    Haha. On the real- Anybody have info about this album? I've always loved the sound of it.. Guitar tonez CRUSHEZ!!!! Do it.

    REALLY SICK Reaper Theme

    I've been rocking this shit the past few weeks... SUPER clean arrangement window, super sick GUI, and very comprehensive. Arrangement View: Mixer:

    ANYBODY know how to contact Adam Wahtan directly??

    I absolutely need a reaper GURU ASAP.. Was not aware that the most recent update of Reaper TOTALLY fucked everything up in my workflow. I'm preferably looking for a phone number, or AIM or something direct.. If you have this info, please please please PM me!!

    Stupid/quick reaper question

    Hey dudes. I'm installing reaper here at machine shop.. I've got it working with my specific workflow, but I cannot for the life of me figure this out: Every time I add a new track, my colored tracks are automatically set to the default color.. Pretty annoying when I'm constantly...

    Off to Machine Shop to Engineer the new Miss May I Album!

    Figured I'd make a thread now for it, since I plan on making some vids/pics of the process. Machine and I have been talking a bit planning out the mix/production of it, and we're doing some pretty unorthodox shit that I'm VERY excited about. For now, I'll leave it at: Wish me luck

    Who wants to Peep a new Anthem Alone track before everyone else?!

    Hey dudes. My band Anthem Alone has been working on some good stuff, including writing, management stuff, label stuff etc. and stuff is starting to get HOT! Anyways, I figured I'd share this track with my homies before all the faggys hear it (hehe). Keep in mind I'm not completely done...

    Two mixing styles/one song?

    Hey guys! There is a band I'm helping co-write/produce for.. We've created a song that has two very distinct styles incorporated: One which is a very modern hardcore sound, and one that is has a nice underoath/ norma jean vibe to it. I'm curious- would you guys ever mixing one of the styles...

    Fucking beast of a song

    Hey guys. This is a track that I produced and wrote a lot of it as well. I'm not looking so much for mix critique as I am wondering what you think of the production of it! The mix starts to open up during the chorus. I feel that there are a few too many key parts and such, but that's the...

    Molotov Solution Cover

    Hey guys! I finally have a vacation (About a week long) and of course I get some time to do whatever I want. So, with my love for the New Molotov Solution album, I decided to cover a part of one of their new songs.. Probably my favorite part of the whole album haha. Everything was done by...