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  1. E-bortion


  2. E-bortion


    I fucking love steak. How do you cook your steak? I've been using this recipe for years now and I've yet to find someone that has a better alternative. Pan-searing is for champions of taste. Grilling has its place but I think the best steaks, and I mean the best of the best, come from...
  3. E-bortion

    Logo commission?

    Well, I'm starting my first truly committed and serious project for the first time in years called Heriot. I'm looking for someone to design a band logo and I'm willing to pay for it. Any takers? By the way, it's blackmetal, so you already know what I'm looking for :lol:
  4. E-bortion

    Professional Wrestling... anyone?

    Do any of you guys still partake in the guilty pleasure that is professional wrestling? I just recently got into WWE again, not having watched it since the days of WCW/NWO and WWF. I've actually found myself really, really enjoying it. On the other hand, I'm watching TNA for the first time and...
  5. E-bortion

    In Memory of Kitty Carlisle (1910-2007)

    April 17th marks three years since her passing. Since she has died, I have been unsuccessfully coping with the fact we will never hear another Die Fledermaus performance again. Out of the deaths we have had in the last three years, her's hit me the hardest. I regret never seeing The Rape of...
  6. E-bortion

    The Computer thread.

    So, even if there's a "computer" thread about purchasing, comparing, reviewing machines/software, etc. around here somewhere, I think there should be one dedicated to tricks/troubleshooting, OSes, networking, and IT in general. For example, if you have a computer problem, post here and see if...
  7. E-bortion


    Searched for a Genesis thread but didn't find one. I've been meaning to sit down and listen to some Genesis for a long, long time. Where should I start?
  8. E-bortion

    Porn (The Men of)

    Little to say about this band other than they fucking rock. Listen and enjoy. (Warning: Sludge)
  9. E-bortion

    The great things about single life

    So with my new found freedom I find myself isolated, detached, and a bit broken up as well (to be expected.) I also find myself nude, adorned with black sunglasses, and screaming along to Black Cobra. I'm seeing both the upsides and the downs already and I'm just wondering what you fellow RC'ers...
  10. E-bortion

    For those who voted

    A show of hands: who voted and for whom? Poll coming.
  11. E-bortion

    The (Un)Official Meats Thread

    So, It is long overdue that a thread is made for something so deserving. Meat. Steaks, burgers, sausages, you name it. Talk about it here.
  12. E-bortion


    So, I'm looking for a laptop. I'm buying one solely for audio production/live performance and I'm at a loss. Any ideas? (I'm looking to spend around $1700 tops.) :goggly:
  13. E-bortion

    Drinking during business lunch

    Whats the general consensus on having a few beers when you go out to lunch during your work day? Obviously it's not alright to come back to the establishment just floored. Some companies don't seem to mind, others have a strict policy. I'm assuming it's not as big of a deal over at euroland?
  14. E-bortion

    Tech Nerds with Industry Connections: Help me out here

    A quite a few arcade enthusiasts from are trying to put together a PCB that has optical sensors for Sanwa JLF-Joysticks, as opposed to microswitches. This in effect recreates the Sanwa JLF Flash. A completely switch-free arcade joystick that is no longer on the market. The...
  15. E-bortion

    Rediscovering the times of old

    So I just picked up The Mars Volta - De-loused in the Comatorium and it's just as brilliant as ever. What albums have you guys rediscovered time and time again? It seems like I've done it at least 100x with Slaughter of the Soul and The Crown - Deathrace King. :kickass: Discuss.
  16. E-bortion

    Fuck Al Sharpton.

    You heard me. Long live Imus.
  17. E-bortion

  18. E-bortion


    What's the general consensus on this old fuck? I've been sleepless lately and watching his program on msnbc (even though i refuse to watch any news network on cable for the most part.) Any thing worth noting? Hate the bastard? Like him? He does have good taste in music though :kickass:
  19. E-bortion

    Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job

    Anybody else looking forward to this? I'm a big fan of Mr. Show and seeing how Bob and David have a lot to do with it, I can't wait.
  20. E-bortion

    The Official Cigar Thread

    I've seen threads dedicated to fine beers and spirits, but I've yet to see a cigar thread. Having been a cigar smoker for little under 3 months, I've started to really develop a taste for higher-end cigars and have a growing appreciation for them. Any other cigar smokers in here? Lately I've...