Search results

  1. MaellaJohn

    Experimental Deathcore [djent, orchestral]

    Sap doods. I'm mixing an EP for a project of mine. Just got guitars all recorded and edited earlier today and I gave it a shot at mixing. Opinions would be shweeeeet Anything sound off to you guys? EDIT: v2 of the mix...
  2. MaellaJohn

    Spacey experimental deathcore

    Mixing a song for my little solo project. I was going for a The Contortionist-esque guitar sound but I'm starting to not like how the guitars are sounding. Any tips for improving this mix? EDIT: Updated the mix. Changed the...
  3. MaellaJohn

    Brutal technical death metal with GOOD production

    Stuff like this Does anybody know of any really technical bands like this one with very polished production?
  4. MaellaJohn

    Technical death metal [faceless-esque]

    Mixing a new song of my band's. Just popped this out so I'll reflect over it later tonight and make some changes. But what do you guys think? EDIT: Latest link
  5. MaellaJohn

    Born of Osiris - The New Reign (full cover, YT vid)

    My friend Josh recorded guitars, I did vocals, drums are superior, bass is trilian. I mixed and mastered. Don't really like the production for the original track, tbh. Let me know what you think, fellas.
  6. MaellaJohn

    Heavy Hardcore - NSGUITAR's recent multitrack files

    Just wanted to post it in here because I'm feeling really proud about it and wanted to see what people think :D Any criticism?
  7. MaellaJohn

    My band Øscillatör's EP up for download [technical prog death metal core ape shit]

    I don't want to give our music a genre because people are gonna see it differently! Here's a song Recorded/mixed by me. Mastered by Blake Citro. If you dig the song, feel free to download the whole EP here: The band consists of...
  8. MaellaJohn

    Screen-recording software!

    Do you guys know of any GOOD software for this? I REALLY like FRAPS, although it only records games or applications with DirectX or OpenGL, I think. I want something to record fluidly, like fraps, but that isn't limited to games. Got any input? I've done a lot of searching and tried a few...
  9. MaellaJohn

    So, I'm working on this Lethargica [Meshuggah] cover..

    This is what I have so far.. vocals coming soon. I REALLY love mixing this kind of music. I'm so used to technical death metal that this moved along relatively quickly. What I like most about this is that it's 100% programmed. :lol: Drums - SD2.0 > kick replaced 100%, snare...
  10. MaellaJohn

    Mixing Time? [Technical death metal/core]

    Vocals, GTR+BASS DI, .wav synths, and drum midi included! It's in my signature at this point in time, but it's a song called Planetary Devastation by my band Øscillatör. Here is your reference mix. I suck at mastering, FYI DOWNLOAD...
  11. MaellaJohn

    The Devil Wears Prada - Plagues

    When the vocalist does the high screams, it sounds like there is a lot of room being compressed with the dry vocals. Isn't this usually what people spend a ton of money on acoustic treatment, to rid themselves of? I'm just wondering, is this "verb" something added post-recording or is it...
  12. MaellaJohn

    Anybody have any generic deathcore/metalcore stems they could share?

    I've tried searching, yielded no good results. Do not want the NSGUITAR song, I'm looking for something a bit heavier. You see, I am trying to mix this band's EP for free, as a favor. I am okay with this. However a member among them is really butthurt for no good reason about this, even...
  13. MaellaJohn

    My newest mix.. brutal criticism accepted. Tech death content

    I like the mix as it is so far. However the EP this is on will not be released for some time and I'd like to take some time to improve the mix. Having a lot of trouble with this, however, because it's technical death metal.. seems like kind of the hardest type of music to mix, to me, and I'm...
  14. MaellaJohn

    I HATE mixing vocals

    So, I've got my band's whole EP mixed and ready to go and I LOVE it. I love the sound of everything is just awesome. But there are no vocals yet! In between work, I've been finding time to finish up the lyrics, and now I've finally begun tracking myself! However........ It seems like I...
  15. MaellaJohn

    Progressive Mixing

    Been thinking about this concept for a little while now.. The idea of automating the mix to gradually change throughout a song/EP/album For example, you find two guitar tones that work well with your current mix and start with one, then have it slowly fade [through the duration of the mix]...
  16. MaellaJohn

    Problems with my mix. Technical Deathmetal/core/whatever inside After a few days of reflection, the OHs seem a bit loud to me. I've posted this song before. An earlier version though. Anyways, I guess tell me what sucks about it/what problems there might be with...
  17. MaellaJohn

    Orchestral MIDI - How Do???

    Here is part of a song I'm working on for my own band. Of the many things I don't know much about, orchestral music is a fairly big mystery to me. It's not so much mixing or humanizing.. though I've got plenty of...
  18. MaellaJohn

    Full Album Vocal Cover of The Contortionist's "Exoplanet" in one take

    Figured I'd post if anybody's a fan of TC. Thought it would be a cool experience. Not the best singer. But I had fun doing it.
  19. MaellaJohn

    Born of Osiris - Open Arms to Damnation cover WIP

    I'm doing this as a cover for my own band's EP. Still writing the EP so I figured I'd start the mixing process early to get a good sound. I'll be doing vocals soon and I'm having the guitars reamped sometime next week, probably. I figured I'd post it for you guys to critique. I'll listen...
  20. MaellaJohn

    -2 RMS!!!!!!!

    How's this mix sounding? [EDIT: Less-fucked up version: ] It's for nothing too serious but my ears are tired and I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. Let me know if all is...