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  1. beowulf1969


    For those of you who haven't heard yet.... Please everyone keep Bernie in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. I can echo the sentiment that he's one of the nicest guys; only fitting he's friends with Nick. Just as...
  2. beowulf1969

    DVD Release Date Announced!!

    September 2!!!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Yay, Nick!! Congrats on getting this labour of love completed! Now comes the LONG wait until then! Teaser: Easter Egg included (filmed on handicam) filmed during the European tour of a song NOT played at ProgPower!!! Anyone got any ideas of...
  3. beowulf1969

    new update

    New update from Nick!! I'm sure we all have our fingers (and toes, arms, legs and any other flanges we can) crossed that the hard drive issue will resolve peaceably. But thank you so much for the update!! Ray sounds f*cking fantastic! :hotjump: His cold was definitely noticeable in the...
  4. beowulf1969

    Happy 4th to everyone!

    Happy 4th to everyone, and to the guys in the band! Nick, I hope all is going well in the process of getting this highly anticipated live album out to the masses! May everyone be safe and have a wonderful and long weekend!!!
  5. beowulf1969

    PL and Iconoclast artwork

    I just love the artwork on the last couple of albums. Anyone know where I might be able to find decent jpegs of just the art (SymX logo is great, but some of the back cover art would be nice without the track listings, etc.) to use as screensavers?
  6. beowulf1969

    Symphony X N00b

    Well, I am admittedly a SymX n00b. I've actually only been listening for the better part of a year or so. But I am entranced by what I know. I was able to procure their entire discography, and only after a few listens I am utterly hooked. Russ' voice is magical. But it seems that the...
  7. beowulf1969

    Obsessing on the new CD

    I can't stop thinking about this new live album, especially since the last update from Kickstart!! I was looking at the posts of the setlists from Friday and Saturday. I noticed that Walls was only done on Friday, and Ray "fucked it up", by his own admission. I hope that doesn't mean Nick...
  8. beowulf1969

    Disney buys LucasFilm

    So, does this mean Redemption could do the score for the next Star Wars movie?:p Nick, not knowing exactly how many hats you wear for Mickey, will you get the opportunity to play any part in this new acquisition?
  9. beowulf1969


    I'm dying over here in Dallas! Somebody needs to post some reviews of the shows! I know they probably just finished their Saturday morning show (if they're not still playing). I am just desperate for some news on how the show was, setlist, etc.. Now comes the LONG wait until the live album...
  10. beowulf1969

    Band Name origins

    NVD, as I was wearing one of my prized Redemption shirts at my son's last Boy Scout backpacking campout, one of the other dads asked me about Redemption. I played a couple of songs for him on my iPod and he immediately starting asking more questions as his interest grew :Spin:. One was...
  11. beowulf1969


    I just wanted to wish all the Redemption fans, and the guys in the band a wonderful and peaceful Christmas. And it IS the Christmas holiday, not "seasons greetings". Its a Christmas tree, not a "holiday tree". Quit trying not to "offend" people. Get thicker skin. The holiday is based in...
  12. beowulf1969

    Covers Album, Vol. 2 Wish list

    Since the covers album is entitled "...Part The First", that can only mean that somewhere down the road there may be a "Part the Second". If that's the case, what songs would you like to hear Redemption cover? In keeping with the spirit of the first one, these should be songs you wouldn't...
  13. beowulf1969

    U.S. Tour?

    I must admit my concern and puzzlement over the fact that there is no news of a full-fledged US tour. I understand that for Snowfall, the tour was "canceled" due to other obligations Ray had with Fates. As that does not seem to be an issue this time around, there seems to be a plethora of...
  14. beowulf1969

    Happy Release Day in U.K.

    So, apparently you limeys get the album a couple of weeks before us here in the States. :hahamiddlefinger: :grin: :grin: Someone needs to let us know about the cover songs, as well as the quality overall of the album.
  15. beowulf1969

    My Dream Setlist

    Since the majority of us didn't get to see the Snowfall tour, and we have not heard the HIGHLY anticipated "This Mortal Coil", I've put together my dream setlist for the Snowfall tour that didn't get to happen. Granted, I have seen the setlist from the Whisky shows. But this is my setlist...