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  1. Omin

    Another upcoming gig in Moscow

    May, 2th. Moscow, Plan B club. FS will perform with: MANIC DEPRESSION (Thrash Metal) HIERONYMUS BOSCH (Progressive Death Metal) SEDUCERS EMBRACE (Melodic Death Metal) Welcome!
  2. Omin

    The promo version of the song from upcoming CD is online

    Well... Since we announced the release date the forum was slowly dying :) So let`s keep it alive. Cheers!
  3. Omin


    Unbeliaveable, fantastic game!!! :rock::rock::rock: After 20 years of waiting our team finally did it!! Mighty Holland crushed! Sad for Van der Sar - i like this goalkeeper, but this is a game. We already have got a bronze on Euro-08 anyway!! Semi-final... Who`s next?
  4. Omin

    Little perfomace tomorrow

    January, 12. We`ll take a part in concert dedicated to presentation of new CD of ELNORDIA band. The gig will take place in Relax club, Moscow. While it`s not late yet i would like to invite you there. I hope Sonm will feel good and we play there for sure. Let`s wish him cure from his chill and...
  5. Omin is coming soon

    Nice news! It seems we finally got new domain. The site is under construction now and we plan it to work asap.
  6. Omin

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Happy new year, guys!! Just look at this :)
  7. Omin

    Forest Stream MIDI files

    Today i gonna buy new mouse for my comp :) and start to make MIDI files of "Tears.." It probably will contain the parts of guitars, bass and drums. And :kicking Sonm`s arse: i want to add keyboards to that stuff :) later. So it`s possible we upload that files to our site as soon as i write them...
  8. Omin

    Katatonia in Russia, September

    Well, hi, guys i`m a guitarist from Forest Stream - band that will support you in your small russian tour. I`d like to say that we have an interesting idea (don`t know, may be you discussed it with Sonm aready) - is it possible to play one of your old song together? I mean - we play, you sing...
  9. Omin

    April, 30th. Fatal Forum Fest (N.Novgorod)

    Well, at last!! It was the last gig where we played old songs. From now we gonna play 90% from new cd wich is in progress. We feel a sense of a relief `cause we really tired of playing old set list.
  10. Omin

    Russian tour gigs video

    :hotjump: The first one that i`ve accidentally found on the inet is the Moscow show. Quality is not good and total time is only 2,5 minutes but... Here it is!! Download it, while it`s possible!! And... Who will guess what the song of FS is on the tape? :))
  11. Omin

    We Did It!!!

    Yeah!! The gig was really great!! :happy:
  12. Omin

    What the f..k?

    I want to ask our MODERATORS - why do you move all the threads older than week to archive?! Yesterday i wanted to post in one of the thread and i found it only in archive store! Explain me, please why it is going on. As i remember it was always possiple to raise any thread you want to continue...
  13. Omin

    Some good news are coming soon...

    I don`t want to overtake events, but it seems that all will be really great! I`m talking about our another "debut" gig! We have new line-up and some new things to play. So, if all will go how it goes now I hope to see you 25th December in Moscow club Estakada! Information is to be confirmed. Cheers!
  14. Omin

    Kir`s birthday

    :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin: :Smokin: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: Ok guys! Let`s congratulate our drummer Kir!!!
  15. Omin

    Some nasty things of this world...

    Yesterday I was really shocked by some news... Something strange is happening in the world... I always thought that christians who really trust in God never betray their faith but I had mistaken... Well, imagine a man who lodge with man. It would seem there`s nothing weird - gays are gays, but...
  16. Omin

    blyad` (rus)

    hui! Hui, ya krichal! kakaya-to hueta tut na rabote s as`koy... suki... ne rabotaet ni huya... :(
  17. Omin

    Lee, did you already get a visa?

    I was wondering whether you alreadu have a visa for Russia. We are looking forward to meet you:) Again, we can not send you a private invitation, coz that takes ages... It would be damn easy for you just to get a tourist visa via any tourist agency. Please, remember it is not necessary for you...
  18. Omin

    To Lee

    Did you get the packets with T-shirts of Forest Stream? Let me know when it happened, ok?
  19. Omin


    Every time I open this forum and want to post here and almost every fucking time I`m not logged in!!!! I have to enter my password and my nick routinely... fuck
  20. Omin

    Waiting for Sonm

    Hey you! The Darkest one! Do you know how great is your coming to Russia? :)