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  1. loebs

    Opeth Ebay question

    Okay i have one of the orginal 7 inch still day beneath the sun-patterns in the ivy vinyls signed by all 4 members, (yes i bought it at a metalfest for $5 and then got it signed 2 weeks later) and it is sold out, so how much do you think i can get? i love Opeth to death but im really low on...
  2. loebs

    art contest

    so anyone doin this contest? if so may i see? heres what i got so far, im doin 3 more for each other member.
  3. loebs

    wedding picture

    can please someone find me the shot of mikael and anna at their wedding, i want to put in the collage of him im doin for the art contest
  4. loebs

    setlists question

    is their reasons why they do the same songs every night? i mean radiohead does like 20 or 25 diffrent songs every night on a tour almost and they have way more songs then opeth.
  5. loebs

    ATG members

    does anyone beside myself try to meet the original members or ask them to sign stuff? So far i met the Bjuler brothers at a haunted show and Adrian the drummer outside ozzfest, i aint wastin money to see filth and nu metal i still continue to wait for Tomas to come back to the states...
  6. loebs

    Fav new song

    My favorite would have to be the title track of course or "tomorrow turned into yesterday"
  7. loebs

    Trey = god

    As a guitar player adn still learner i still find Trey as one of my biggest influences-idol and i dont even write metal,, people like him, jimi page, and mickael alkerfeldt are on my high list,,, do some u muscicians feel this way as well about him?
  8. loebs

    Opeth in the mainstream

    I went to lollapoloza recently to see Audioslave and Janes Addiction and woar my opeth shirt and shockingly had like 10 people come up to me telling me awsome shirt, even some guy who posts on this message board. Some of which also saw em at irving plaza last weeks back. Glad to see that the non...
  9. loebs

    TOP 5 MA songs

    What are your favorite top5 morbid angel songs of all time? You dont have to put them in any order, Covenant of Death Chapel of Ghouls Pain Divine World of Shit Rapture
  10. loebs

    2 Months!!!!

    Only 2 Fn months till we are blessed with the greatest metal band of all time once again, oh my god, i swear i cant take this wait, im goin to pop. :tickled::grin: Plus their making their first music video since Where the Slime Live!!!! PLUS THE TOURS!!!! i still think they are the best live...
  11. loebs


    After many listens i think i can now give my review for the album i give it a 8 out of 10. Nothings is wrong on this album thats for sure but after the listen i still get a empty feeling like somting is missing compared to the other type o works. The point that not one song reaches 10...
  12. loebs

    CBGBS roll call

    I WON TICKETS!!!!!! I hope my friend can go if not ill let u guys know tomorrow for the spare one,, anyone win or is going?
  13. loebs

    Stockholm Concert 99

    I dont know if im the only one but when napster was in buisness did anyone download the mp3s to their live stockholm concert? i actually found my old burnt cd of it and was amazaed like ever case i forgot how good they played and the mix was maybe the best i heard for a concert. Does anyone know...
  14. loebs

    New type O song

    Did anyone download the new Type O song "I dont want to be me" off sounds awsome, i like it over "dream is dead" its more of a 80s punk type sound. Cool keyboards used over the continuous guitar sludges. Kenny does some kick ass solos in it as well.
  15. loebs

    Club Krome 5/8/03

    I caught the Haunted on the first date of this tour. I got there around 4 so i can meet the band, plus Anders then in ATG and now is still a great influence. I walk in sayin im part of the earache extreme team and next thing you know their manager-merchandise person (u guys seen her...
  16. loebs

    Meet Type O Negative!!

    If you live in the NYC, central NJ region, Type O Negative is doing a autograph signing at the famous independent record store, Vintage Vinyl on Wensday June 11 at 7pm. for more information.