Search results

  1. M

    Google Earth Quest

    Since everyone is so fond of games, here's yet another one: 1. download google earth ( 2. try to find the spot i captured on the bottom of the post using search and by guessing. 3. if you have, create and upload a waypoint (.kmz) file, which is a placemark everyone can...
  2. M


    a new thread, indeed. actually i wanted to compile a cd consisting only of instrumental songs for my car, since i dig them quite a lot. but i found it quite hard to come across a dozen or so interesting metal instrumentals (actual songs, not just filling tunes) in my library which i could...
  3. M

    find all band names in this picture:

    there should be over 70 band names hidden in this picture, see how many you can dig out: have fun!
  4. M

    teh joke thread omg

    So, these two leeches were sitting in a bar, and one yells, "Your momma! I did your momma!" And the other says, "Go home, dad, you're drunk."
  5. M

    novembre irc

    i just opened an irc chatroom called #novembre on undernet, if someone feels like chatting about novembre, this would be the spot. hopefully we can keep this going, but seeing how few regulars we have here, it might be in vain. but nevertheless, its worth a try. if you need directions on how to...
  6. M

    8. Hard 'n Heavys Summernight - Umsonst und draussen!

    hier gibts ein feines umme-openair, mit richtig guten bands, in euskirchen, am 22/23.07.05. also ich fahr hin!
  7. M

    educate us! tell us something about your (or, any) country

    ok, this might be boring, but i'd really like to get to know other countries better, so please post some facts about your or a random country, like national food, government system, cool places to visit, and so on. that doesn't include copy&paste from wikipedia or such, i'd really like to get an...
  8. M

    Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen, sitz ich beim Schwager vorn - Scheisse!

    echt jetzt junge, es wird mal zeit für nen Einfach Tollen SiW thread, damit ich mal sehen kann, ob ich meinen Stiefel noch zwischen eure Zähne bekomme, echt jetzt!
  9. M

    festivals 2k5

    it's summer (almost), the sun is shining (at least above the clouds) - time for choosing which festivals to visit this year. personally, i am very much intrigued to visit wacken this year, for they have less power metal stuff as usual and some really great bands this year, including bloodbath...
  10. M

    herzlichen glückwunsch, snow2fall!

  11. M

    Nebelmond Metal Festival

    anyone up for this? 1. it's cheap: tickets are 15 € for both days, no camping fee, beer 0.5L 1€ 2. some good bands: Arcturus, the Vision Bleak, Guerillia etc. 3. relatively central location for people from germany, benelux, or france.
  12. M

    win the best guitar face award

    go here and send in your weirdest mug while playing guitar.
  13. M

    this deserves a new thread - buy KITT @ ebay!
  14. M

    you know a lot of languages? ---> post here!

    basically, i'm collecting three essential phrases in all possible languages i come across, and i'm sure here are a few more to be found i don't already have. and i'm not always sure of spelling and pronounciation as well, so if you see any mistakes... 1st phrase: "Two beer!" german...
  15. M


    so, hier müssen mal ein paar neue threads her: jeder postet ein saufspiel seiner wahl. gibt bestimmt lustige inspirationen für die nächste party/festival etc. ich fang mal mit nem klassiker an: kartenpusten. man nimmt eine (bier)flasche (leer) und legt einen stapel karten oben auf die...
  16. M

    metal one hit wonders

    skimming through my music collection, i noticed that there hardly are any typical one hit "wonders" in the metal genre. the only one that would spring to my mind spontaneously is carcass - heartwork, and i can't seem to think of any others. pros? cons? opinions?
  17. M

    The Definite Tuska Thread

  18. M


    i know you are out there, dangling from the cables of your computer(s), coding freaky stuff, of whatever. i couldn't find the old coding/geek thread, so why not make a new one. my geek story today: i tried to reduce twiddling on my comps, so when i set up this comp w/ linux, i decided to only...
  19. M

    drama queen poll

    well, who is it? have a guess.
  20. M

    Wish I Could Dream It Again... and Arte Novecento

    as stated on novembre's website, both of these albums are fully downloadable from sadly, the site is closed right now, and i don't have a clue when it will be accessible again. but since the said mp3s are sort of public domain by now, does anyone know an alternative...