Search results

  1. Darth Kur

    Dan Lilker tells Dave Mustaine the way it is!

    Dan Lilker speaks out against "saint Dave" and his arrogance. I'm sure Mustaine will ignore Dan's voice of reason but I believe more and more individuals and bands are going to voice similar opinions. The more there are the more impossible it's going to be for Dave to shut it all out. To the...
  2. Darth Kur

    Dave the Crusader strikes again.

    Dave Mustaine is getting way too out of hand. This obsession with his bullshit emaciated dead jew worship is causing nothing but strife. The below info is a report on blabbermouth today. What's next Dave, a refusal to play with non x-tian bands? You're just pissing people off and alienating...
  3. Darth Kur

    The mandate of the metal community

    A friend of mine stumbled upon this and forwarded it to me. It concerns the "laws" governing the metal community, the wearing of band shirts in particular. It's a long but quite fascinating read. I feel I must concur with the majority of his dissertation...
  4. Darth Kur

    Live album kicks ass!

    Just received it in the mail today. I'm on track 4 as I write this. This is an awesome recording. Great packaging and excellent production with such a clear "deep" sound. Which is to say that unlike many live recordings that come off sounding a tad bit thin this has the feel of a studio...
  5. Darth Kur

    More loss of respect for Ozzy

    It's been obvious for a while that Ozzy has focused on the "almighty" dollar over integrity. If that vile piece fucking shit of an abortion version of Iron Man on the NIB Vol.2 wasn't enough to prove to all than this tidbit of info I just found on BW&BK say's it all: OZZY OSBOURNE Adds EMINEM...
  6. Darth Kur

    Unblessed - extreme metal from Chile

    Unblessed is a quality metal band that utilizes a unique blend of black and death metal. As of now they only have a four track EP/Demo entitled Monolith from Beyond. It's fairly lengthy at just under 30 mins and has a very good and professional production. Definitely a worthwhile release to...
  7. Darth Kur

    Karmageddon Media insults Chuck Schuldiner's memory and his family on recent release.

    A friend of mine recently acquired a cd entitled Chuck Schuldiner - Zero Tolerance, released by Karmageddon Media / Tuba, 2004. This is the same label that used to be called Hammerheart Records. Supposedly they ended up changing their name on account of shady dealings. It seems that Guido, the...
  8. Darth Kur

    Deicide - Scars Of The Crucifix leaked......opinions so far?

    I'm listening to it right now actually. It's definitely got a much better production then the last two. Where they had a more thin and weaker sound overall Scars has a deep heavy feel to it. The songs are very short with the entire album being under 30 minutes as usual. The subject matter, not...
  9. Darth Kur

    Old Man's Child featured on L.A. Dragnet

    I was watching Dragnet last night and was surprised to see that one of the characters wearing an Old Man's Child shirt. The person in question is a late teen female which is despondent and apathetic and turns out to be guilty of cold heartedly torturing and murdering one of her peers. When the...
  10. Darth Kur

    The Most Cool Grave Marker Ever!

    Even in death, Metal lives on forever. Check out this tomb stone. This guy must've had some damn cool family.
  11. Darth Kur

    The South Gets The Short End Again.

    Godfuckingdamnit! Look at these dates for the Opeth/Porcupine Tree tour: Jul. 15 – Toronto, ONT - Opera House Jul. 16 – Montreal, QUE - Medley Jul. 17 - New York, NY - Irving Plaza Jul. 18 – Boston. MA - Berkeley Performance Centre Jul. 19 – Philadelphia, PA - Trocadero Jul. 21 – Washington...
  12. Darth Kur

    Most underrated vintage Judas Priest album

    What do you think is the most under appreciated of the pre-British Steel albums? The one's that, sadly, a lot of people don't even realize exist. I'm a Priest fanatic so I like them all from the very beginning to the latest. But out of the five studio albums before 1980 I'd have to say that...
  13. Darth Kur

    Opeth and LC tour dates gone from Pollstar

    According to Pollstar neither Opeth and Lacuna Coil are on tour. I very much hope that this is a glitch in their system and not an indication that the tour has been cancelled, especially with this war started now it wouldn't be all that shocking. Neither Century Media's or Opeth's site has any...
  14. Darth Kur

    CD's for $1.40

    Here's some very interesting information. The article is from PC Magazine. I'll provide the link as well for those that would prefer to read it from the actual source. I always figured "The Industry" was ripping us off but I didn't think there was that much of an un-fair margin. I disagree...
  15. Darth Kur

    Ozzy doing Pepsi commercials

    What's everyone's opinion on Ozzy and his family doing a Pepsi commercial? Lame, funny or who gives a fuck? :grin:
  16. Darth Kur

    4 songs not enough

    I just got back from the show in Spartanburg, SC in which Daylightdies got to play, albeit a very short set. The venue had both stages active and there was no coordination whatsoever. In fact it was such a total clusterfuck that when Daylightdies was getting ready to play Malevolent Creation...