Search results

  1. Gargamel Bojangles

    Napalm Death

    Favorite Napalm Death album? For me it's a tie between Harmony Corruption and Smear Campaign
  2. Gargamel Bojangles

    Nuclear Assault

    I just found a Nuclear Assault concert from 2015 on YouTube. They sound just as good as they did 30 years ago. Possibly the best band from the thrash metal era
  3. Gargamel Bojangles

    Napalm Death

    Lately I've been listening to Napalm Death Harmony Corruption and Utopia Banished. These two albums are quite exceptional. In my opinion the death metal genre is pretty hit-and-miss but these two albums are the textbook definition of Kick-Ass
  4. Gargamel Bojangles

    Jello Biafra

    I was a huge fan of Dead Kennedys back in High school. I think his political insight was uncanny to have been written before the age of Internet. I came across some more recent stuff he did with a band called The Guantanamo School of Medicine. It's really goodd stuff..He also did some good...
  5. Gargamel Bojangles


    Let's talk about covers, good ones bad ones....from epic to terrible. .... I recently heard James Maynards cover of Heart Shaped's horrendous His cover of Imagine was epic.
  6. Gargamel Bojangles

    Alice Cooper

    I've always been a fan of Alice Cooper because every album he does is something entirely different. However, I wonder if he realizes that venomous poison is a linguistic contradiction as venom and poison are two entirely different things
  7. Gargamel Bojangles

    Iron Maiden

    In my teens I was a huge Iron Maiden fan. I don't think I've heard another band that has such a wide variety of subject matter. Anything from WW2 fighter planes to ancient Egypt
  8. Gargamel Bojangles

    Why do tribute albums always suck?

    Never buy tribute albums...they always suck.
  9. Gargamel Bojangles


    In the wake of all these terrorist attacks worldwide, Islam has become a hot topic. I'm not really all that educated on Islam. I've been told that the Quran is similar to the Bible only Islam views Jesus Christ is a prophet and not as the Messiah as Christians do. I know there are many different...
  10. Gargamel Bojangles

    Anyone else looking forward to the New Jack Reacher movie?

    The New Jack Reacher movie is in production I believe it is based on Never Go Back. Many Jack Reacher fans were complaining about Tom Cruise playing Jack Reacher but I think he did a really good job at it. And to all the naysayers, where are you going to find an actor who is 6 foot 5, 250 pounds?
  11. Gargamel Bojangles

    Cray concert experiences

    Have you witnessed something crazy or really cool at a concert? Share it here. I remember when I saw Slipknot on their first tour, I went to see them at the new Daisy on Beale Street. Some dude ran up on stage and tryed to grab Mick's guitar. When he did ,the strap came loose, causing the...
  12. Gargamel Bojangles

    Best Tool album

    Some friends and I were debating which is the best Tool album..They insist it's Aenima , I say Undertow.
  13. Gargamel Bojangles

    Dub step

    I've become a big fan of the dubstep genre. It mixes really well with reggae
  14. Gargamel Bojangles

    Milking The Goat Machine, Stalzeit

    I stumbled across this band randomly on YouTube. They are kinda hit and miss but the Stalzeit album is on point.. Nice death metal growls and the beats are sick
  15. Gargamel Bojangles

    New here

    New here. 41 from Tennessee. I've been looking for an active forum to discuss metal.. I tried several on Facebook but none of them are active. I hope this one is
  16. Gargamel Bojangles

    Neurosis ,Souls at Zero

    This album is over 20 years old and still remains one of favorite albums. I have the entire album on my phone. In my opinion. This album is a masterpiece