Search results

  1. Ali Cryptica

    What are you deathly afraid of?? 8-]]

    What things scare you most?? I am scared of several things: heights, small places, dogs and roaches for also afraid of death....Just very curious about this...8-]]
  2. Ali Cryptica

    Cool Left-Handed Musicians [[-8

    I am a lefty, so, I wonder if there are any musicians, past or present that are left handed...I know Jimi Hendrix was a lefty...So is Dani most curious about this...8-]]
  3. Ali Cryptica

    The Best Place To Buy Metal Vinyl 8-]]

    I would like to know what you guys think is the best place to buy metal vinyl albums...I just recently started in the last year buying my metal vinyls at Amazon...Their deals are pretty good and selection is pretty awesome...Plan on adding more to my collection in the future and want everyone's...
  4. Ali Cryptica

    *JINGLES* 8-]]

    Hey all--will try to let this be my last thread for a spell....I am curious though if anyone has a favorite commercial jingle from the past or from present day... mine was always the old Coke jingle: The sun will always shine, the birds will always sing...long as there is Coke there's always the...
  5. Ali Cryptica

    Dual Roles 8-]]

    Who is your favorite musician that is also an actor?? Can be metal or non-metal....I choose Cher...Her music is pretty good as well as most of her very curious...8-]]
  6. Ali Cryptica

    Cradle of Filth News 8-]]

    IDK if Cradle of Filth has been mentioned here, but, I just found out that they are heading to the studio to make a new album and should be out by September of 2017...Just thought cradle fans might want to know this...Am very sorry if this has already been mentioned on the website, please ignore...
  7. Ali Cryptica

    Metal Bands That Suck...8-]]

    I realize this has probably already been done, but, my curiosity got the best of me....The metal bands that I think suck the most is: Cannibal Corpse, Tourniquet and My Dying Bride...Dislike CC the most cause all their albums sound the same and it sounds like they aren't really singing, they...
  8. Ali Cryptica

    MM, Hi!!

    MMM...Just wanted to introduce myself...Ali Cryptica here...My real name is Melanie...Am 41 years old...I really don't know what else to say right now....Peace, Ali...P.S. hope my picture of myself goes through--was taken in 2012, still look like that now...8-]]