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    My first 7String Recording. Ibanez Rgd3127

    ;-) Nothing to see here, carry on!!!
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    Mix FeedBack Please!

    I'm trying to record and mix my old bands songs and here goes the first one. Ultimately I would like it to sound like a professionally done cd so please give me as much constructive criticism as you can. AxeFx Ultra on guitars and bass and drums are superior 2.0. We're actually going to track...
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    Help!!! My guitar tone sucks!

    I hope someone can help and I hope I posted this to the right forum. When I record and mix a song I always have this grainy plasticy kinda sound to my guitars. When I listen on headphones or earbuds its worse. I use reference tracks and they sound good on speakers and headphones. In this song...
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    Modern Metal Poduction Question?

    I've been doing the music thing on and off for a while and over this last 6 months I've really stepped up my game quite a bit. I just write and record my own stuff. My question is on say a production like Keith Merrow's latest album he does a lot of single note passages that I'm sure he double...