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  1. S

    Reincarnation Thread

    Ok, Boys & Girls! Where did everyone disappear? It's time to begin again. Though we won't see a new album during next several years, there are some interesting things to discuss. So don't go by.
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    Monkey Business video HQ???

    Hi everyone! Where can I download this video in good quality? I've got some from link pasted on youtube marked as HQ .mkv but the quality is like it was recorded on old web-cam. Thanx!
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    'Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken' vs 'Hell Over Sofia'

    Ok, here we go. We have a full format live record of concert made in Bulgaria in February, 2010. I should tell honestly that I listened to it only few times AND that's my opinion: instead of having one more concert record we've got absolute, perfect and fabulous studio work made of some live...
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    Who has original quality video "Live in Summer Breeze"?

    I mean original DVD or DVD image from it. If someone has it I would be very much obliged to you for sharing. Thanx in advance!
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    What do you hear...

    ...if you start "Hatred" to play from 0:02 after song's beginning? (hallucinations)
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    Does anybody have instrumental version of any song?

    I think it is very rare and unfortunately impossible stuff, but maby someone has it? Uamenti, first of all it concerns you.
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    Questions you'd like to ask Peter

    Ok. According to our wishes Peter to be present here, what questions would you like to ask him? Just to know the situation. Who knows, maybe he reads this board in his free time between runka, knula pa and work in studio.
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    Blastbeat in HYPOCRISY? YES or NO

    Ok, everyone. Here we come to discuss one thing I have been meeting for a long time here. People on this board became very often to talk about blastbeat in Hypocrisy's albums. I think, that it became actually after "Virus" and Horgh. This man brought into the band very very fresh air and I wish...
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    "Shut Your Mouth" pure keyboard intro?

    Does anybody have it without "It's Only Them" ending? Pure keyboard stuff for morning alarm or ringtone.
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    Strasbourg 47 troubles?

    I mean "Roswell 47" at above said live show. Can you see, that at the moment of main solo seems like Peter just fell from his legs to the floor. Only Holma saved him from being laying at the scene. Huh... I know, strange feeling after cognac.
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    "Slave To The Parasites" [live]

    Does anybody have live version of this song (mp3 or video) except Strasbourg one?
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    The heaviest band/album you've ever heard

    List yours here. As for me I experienced this feeling of something mega brrrrutal sounding in my ears three times in my life: when I first time listened to HYPOCRISY "The Final Chapter" when I finally got into what fuckin' awesome music CRYPTOPSY make when I first time...
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    "Live Is Overrated" song

    Yeah, exactly song. We have given a name to untiteled track on "Virus" and now it's called "Watch Out". The same situation we have with unknown song on Pain's DVD. When I cut sound of that song from DVD the first thing I thought that this should have a nice title and "Live Is Overrated" is the...
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    The Fourth Dimension [re-recoded]ä

    This is a petion! A petion to Peter Tägtgren, mainly, and for the rest of the band. Here we are -- the admirers of great hypocritic death metal art -- to say that we wish amazing album "The Fourth Dimension" to be re-recodered. Such masterpiece should sounds on now days way so everyone can...
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    "Shut Your Mouth" video

    On this fuckin' crushing video we can see a sightseen capture of some private village landscape where Peter drives a car. Don't you think that it's a clear Parlby? Your "yes" or "no" with reasons. Or you have a clear pics of this village? Lets discuss this!
  16. S

    Hypocrisy alltime top 5 songs

    List here 5 songs that you'll bring through whole life in your heart. Only your top 5 songs! No discussions!!! The Abyss (original "The 4th Dimension" version) Roswell 47 Shamateur The Final Chapter Hatred
  17. S

    Peter's growling on "The Final Chapter" album

    Hey, everyone. A few days ago I finally got the german edition of this fuckin' AMAZING stuff. So atmospheric, slow and brutal songs... I have no epithets to describe it, but I gess that all of us heard it and have own opinion. The main distinguishing thing on this album is a deep and low...
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    Where are we from?

    I see that there're many people from different corners of the world on this forum who enjoy Hypocrisy and Pain. Just for a closer recognation I'd like to create this thread to know where others from? Very pity that cannot gather together on a big metal meeting like other forum's members do. I...
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    PAIN in Moscow

    Hey, guys! A friend of mine just reported me about concert of PAIN in Moscow 20/05/07. It was the coolest thing, fuckin' monstrous and destroying. But the main is that there was no those two chiks from "Life Is Overrated", they were replaced by two guys. I dunno who are they, no photos, no...
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    New Hypocrisy album

    Has anybody heard about forthcoming Hypocrisy album? Any mentions in interviews or smthn' like that?