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    Let's talk about Neurosis albums

    Any Neurosis fans here? I've been playing their A Sun That Never Sets disc on repeat for the past couple of months now. I have never really explored their earlier, more 'classic' material, so I'd appreciate if anyone's willing to share their thoughts on how A Sun That Never Sets compares to the...
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    Best Selling Laser's Edge / Sensory discs

    Hey Ken, I was wondering if you mind listing your all-time best selling discs. I'd guess the Riverside debut must have done pretty well but I'd love to hear about other bands, especially Spiral Architect, Zero Hour, etc. Thanks!
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    Voivod - Target Earth

    I stupidly put off buying this disc when it came out. I love Voivod, but I don't think they've ever matched the amazing early albums like Dimension Hatross and especially Nothinngface, which is probably an all-time favourite of mine, regardless of genre. I enjoy pretty much everything they've...
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    Steve Albini: The Problem with Music

    I just came across this post by chance. I thought it was an interesting read. Here is the link for the full piece: III. There’s This Band There’s this band. They’re pretty ordinary, but 5. Trying to...
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    The role and impact of producers on metal bands

    How big do you think is the role and impact of a producer is on a metal band? Do you care who your favourite bands hire for the production or mixing job on their upcoming album? Do you feel a certain producer could get better results than another? What do you think of bands, after working with a...
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    Second Sky ?...

    Anyone know what's up with this project?
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    An old interesting interview with Richard West

    Here is an old interview with Richard West circa Hypothetical I came across today and thought some of you might want to have a look: Interesting comments about Damian Wilson there.
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    Mastering on the new album

    What does everyone think of the mastering on the new album? I think the mix is stellar, but I'm slightly disappointed to see all the songs are mastered as loud as it gets, much like anything else that gets released these days. I do yearn for more dynamic range much like the stuff in the mid-90s...
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    Which tracks feature the LOG drummer on the new Testament?

    Two questions: 1. Does anyone know which tracks feature Chris Adler on drums? 2. Why did the enlist two different drummers to cut the record? Has anyone from the band ever given an explanation? I love both but find it kind of odd. Was it an artistic decision or simply due to conflict of schedules?
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    Two questions about "The Whispers Never Written"

    I have been listening to the new Suspyre for quite some time now and it's slowly growing on me. I am happy to discover something new with each listen. I have two questions about the song "The Whispers Never Written." 1. The intro of the song reminds me of Tool. Would you guys call yourselves...
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    Ulver - Childhood's End

    Has anyone heard this one yet? It's the new Ulver release consisting of a plethora of covers of relatively obscure bands. There are, of course, some legendary acts like Jefferson Airplane, The Byrds, and The Pretty Things, but there are also some psychedelic bands from the 60s and 70s...
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    Communication Lost - Best Album of 2011

    I have chosen Communication Lost as my personal favourite disc of 2011. It was followed by Steven Wilson and the new Haken albums for me. Communication Lost is also listed in the overall list of best albms. You...
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    An interesting review of The Great Cold Distance

    Guys, what do you think of this review of The Great Cold Distance? It's quite different from most other reviews I've seen with interesting descriptions. Streamlining their approach to a conventional form of elegiac despondency, Katatonia's Night is the New Day essentially continues the...
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    Haken - Visions -- when?

    Hey Ken, Any chance you can make this one available a little earlier like you did with the Cynthesis album? Many have already picked it up and the album is "out there," but I'd like to hear the real thing. Cheers!
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    The mix and mastering on the new Redemption

    Hey Neil, Have you heard the final version of the new Redemption? I don't know who mastered it, but it sounds too loud and it all comes out like a huge smear. The dynamics are killed and Ray's vocals cannot be understood in the heavier passages. Very disappointing considering I always wanted...
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    How does the new Haken disc hold up against their debut?

    I don't know if their new one's officially out yet, but I remember reading in one of the threads that it'll be available at the fest. If anyone picks it up, please post your thoughts. I was underwhelmed (maybe because of the vocals) when I first heard Aquarius last year, but I recently returned...
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    What if Jonas re-recorded the vocals Discouraged Ones?

    What would your reaction be if Jonas Renkse were to re-record the vocal parts of Discouraged Ones and perhaps Tonight's Decision? Would his obvious improved style benefit the songs based on his recent live performances or would it detract from the overall atmosphere and quality of the album...
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    Vocals on the new album

    Hey Paul, Having listened to the new album many times, I can't help but think of Ray Alder when I hear you song, especially during the harmonized vocals. Would you call yourself a fan of his work in Fates Warning or Redemption? What other bands were you and the other guys in the band listening...
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    Midtempo power metal recommendations

    Can anyone recommend me some midtempo dark power metal like Tad Morose circa Undead, Tarot, or Morgana Lefay? FYI, I'm not looking for any Helloween, Stratovarius type of bands at the moment. Rather, I need stuff with really heavy riffing, dark lyrics, and ballsy vocals. It would be real cool...
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    Garden Wall - Assurdo

    Hey Ken, Will you stock the new Garden Wall abum, Assurdo, released on Lizard Records? Thanks.