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  1. Force10

    Charlotte, NC 9/13

    A small but energetic crowd watched Pagan's Mind deliver an excellent set last night at Amos' in Charlotte! A big "Thank You" to Pagan's Mind for stopping to see us! I didn't make it to ProgPower this year so it was great to be able to still see one of the few bands I would have gone to...
  2. Force10

    Raleigh Show 5/29...

    ... was awesome, especially the stretch of Persecuted, Burnt Offerings and The Haunting. :kickass:
  3. Force10

    POE album cover art

    The Payment Of Existence album cover is great and reminds me very much of one of my favorite album covers, Rush' A Farewell To Kings. Even note the way the girl and the puppet are sitting in the chair. Oddleif - was that Rush cover any sort of inspiration?
  4. Force10

    Carpooling to Atlanta from NC

    Currently I am driving alone from central NC to Atlanta. Does anyone on my route want to share a ride? I'll have my minivan (go ahead, laugh it up) so I'll have plenty of room. On the flip side I wouldn't mind tagging along with someone going my way. I'm certainly good for chipping in for...
  5. Force10

    Staying in Buckhead

    Okay, fifth PP for me, 5th different place I'll be staying! I'm staying up in Buckhead - and a few questions: Is anyone else staying up there? Cab rides - are they easy to get, especially after the show? Though I've never parked at Center Stage, that doesn't seem to be much of a problem...
  6. Force10

    Hockey Playoffs

    Despite Mark's beloved Avalanche not being in the playoffs, I'd thought I'd start a hockey thread. I'm a Buffalo Sabres fan from way back, so I'm excited to see them move on to the Eastern finals again. They have a very tough matchup against Ottawa - should be a good series. Living here in...
  7. Force10

    ProgPower and birthdays

    A wacky coincidence for me this year - tickets for PPVIII go on sale Saturday, which is my daughter's 5th birthday. The first day of PPVIII is October 5, which will be my son's 7th birthday. Looks like I'll need to bring back a nice gift for my son. Were they going to make any XS Primal Fear...
  8. Force10

    NAMM pics

    Originally posted by MetalSteph on the Nevermore board.
  9. Force10

    Eric - Nice meeting you

    Hey Eric, This is Jim, your neighbor from the Super 8. It was real nice meeting you at ProgPower. Thanks again for the CD, I'll spin it this week! Jim
  10. Force10

    Interesting JP eBay auctions (not spam)

    I am not affiliated with either of these auctions, just thought they were interesting: - Seems like a neat collectible. - $120 wow!
  11. Force10

    Mechanized Warfare digipack

    I jst picked up the Mechanized Warfare digipack. The packaging for the album is fantastic. Century Media has impressed me several times with their packaging, especially when it comes to these special digipacks. After 2 spins, I really like the album (yes, I have catching up to do in the JP...
  12. Force10

    Mechanized Warfare digipack

    I jst picked up the Mechanized Warfare digipack. The packaging for the album is fantastic. Century Media has impressed me several times with their packaging, especially when it comes to these special digipacks. After 2 spins, I really like the album (yes, I have catching up to do in the JP...
  13. Force10

    Cede departs Freedom Call I assume (and hope) he is staying on with Symphorce!! Looking forward to seeing the band at ProgPower!
  14. Force10

    Band members' day jobs

    For Mark, Chris, and the others: I'm curious to know what you guys do "for a living". I'm guessing you might be self-employed so as to make it easier to take time off to tour. I'll also guess that Chris, since he's moved to LA, is a professional musician and does teaching and maybe session...
  15. Force10

    Second US leg

    I see that IE is going to have a 2nd leg of their US tour. Does anyone have any insight or guess as to who the opening band(s) might be?
  16. Force10

    New Queensrÿche album

    Has anyone listened to the new Queensrÿche album yet? Any comments out there? I've seen mixed reviews on-line, so I figured I ask around. Thanks.
  17. Force10


    I've seen many people with Rhapsody on their wish list of bands to see at ProgPower. I'm a big Rhapsody fan, as I find them talented and innovative, but I wonder if Rhapsody could pull off their sound in a live setting like ProgPower. 1. Their albums are highly polished and produced and...