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  1. Steingrim

    Any news?

    I want a new theocrazy album, when will that day come?
  2. Steingrim

    Amon Amarth Inferno 2005 pictures Enjoy
  3. Steingrim

    are you guys aware of that Dan....

    contribtued with lead guitar work+ vocals to the outro (about 1 minute) of one song on the Canopy debut demo? (Symbiotic) Canopy is a new exciting melo death band similar to Edge of Sanity, Bloodbath... Read a review of the demo here...
  4. Steingrim

    new Cyclic review here If you agree/disagree feel free to use the comment system right below the interview :)
  5. Steingrim er nå lansert

    Målet med den siten er å bygge opp en kolosal database over alle metal/hardrock band i Skandinavia. Forum delen har allerede vært oppe i 2 år, og vi huser nå forum til 2 band fra Sverige. Det ene bandet, Canopy, har nettopp gitt ut begrenset opplag av deres første demo. De rocker vilt, minner...
  6. Steingrim

    Train of Thought

    I'm posting an off topic thread here, feel free to delete it! heh Dave, what do you think of the new album to Dream Theater? And what do you think when you listen to the end section of song 2 - is that music or just pure wankage? hehe... Is John Petrucci your fav prog guitarist? Some of my...
  7. Steingrim

    Crimson II sample (EoS)

    Download a 2 minute teaser here (rightclick): Thougths? I'm eagerly awaiting this release!! Sounds really good! Great to hear Dan growl again!
  8. Steingrim

    Nydvind - 2003 - Eternal Winter Domain

    Check Nydvind out if you're fan of black/viking metal!! This album KICKS ASS! They kind of remind me of Enslaved! Anyone heard of them?