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  1. Corporal McDick

    Thor Arise Demo

    Anyone has list of the songs on this one? A friend burned me this demo but it had no names....
  2. Corporal McDick

    Happy V-Day!

    Happy 61st anniversary of the Victory of the allied troops in WW2!
  3. Corporal McDick

    Help! All you ppl with cars

    Well, I'm stuck in a very unpleasant situtation right now. :zombie: :hypno: :u-huh: :erk: I have the tickets, but the ride's full, so I've been told. Right now I have no clue how am I getting to the gig, nor returning from it. I adress all you ppl that plan to make it to the show on their own...
  4. Corporal McDick

    Question to the band

    Me and the guys have this argument about a song name. In Mabool, track 11 is called "The star still rages inside" or is it "The storm still rages inside"? Because the "storm" word is already in Sahara... The OL website claims "Storm" in both, the mp3 I DL'ed (I will buy the original to my...
  5. Corporal McDick

    Fate Of Norns in Israel

    Well.. is it? I was yet to see it. Does ANYONE know where to get it here WITHOUT ordering it on the web?
  6. Corporal McDick

    A question

    I wanna cover asgaroth with the guys. 1. (corporate rights shit) - may I? 2. where do i get tabs or staff or whatever for songs from "redshift"?
  7. Corporal McDick

    [Rus] Victory!!!! 9-5-2004

    С днём Победы, народ!:rock: Yes I know it's only tomorrow but I couldn't help it....:hotjump:
  8. Corporal McDick

    Red shift

    Just got it. Rules. I want to know more.
  9. Corporal McDick

    Amon Amarth forum. Is it still?

    As I view other forums, I can see that there they have always at least a few threads connected with the subject band, It has to do something with the band. Here however, you see pointless threads. Now Drinking? Favourit Pornstar? C'mon ppl!!! I'm aware that these come from boredom... but there...
  10. Corporal McDick

    And we just had an earthquake!!!

    Well actually at about 10:20 GMT+2.... 5 at Richter scale.... Anyway I didnt feel anything, and was in school on the 3rd floor!!!
  11. Corporal McDick

    Progressive Punk Rock????

    Hey UE, just got Boxcar Racer... man..... its fucking Progressive Punk Rock.....:Smug:
  12. Corporal McDick

    Happy Birthday to Greeno

    According to the UM calendar, you had birthday yesterday.... Well - happy birthday!:wave: And you kept it in secret.... Keep on rockin' dude! :rock:
  13. Corporal McDick

    To Administrator: The new code on this forum is bugging constantly

    I try to post and get my post twice. then i delete one of them and it deletes both. Hey MARK, administrator dude! We got a situation!!!
  14. Corporal McDick


    Whats the deal with them? I got an album of them and i want to know more... as usually to lazy too sweep the net fot info
  15. Corporal McDick

    Help.... sort of

    Does anyone know the formulas for assembling this hungerian cube or whatever its called? i figured a couple of sides but I cant get the others right. Anyone?
  16. Corporal McDick

    Happy Halloween!!!!

    Lets all dress skirts and act like.... like.... like.... Fuck.... I forgot....
  17. Corporal McDick

    As requested by some, SnowSex hate thread (lol) :)

    Well that'll show her!!! (Damn this shit is lame)
  18. Corporal McDick

    Deathblade, respond!

    Whats your time zone? I use internet from a friend and I'll need to know when you dont sleep or smtng like that so thatI could send waht you asked for
  19. Corporal McDick

    Helloween - Helloween EP+Walls of Jericho LP

    I believe this is one of the best Helloween albums cuz it sounds real heavy and has exellent songs. Kai's vocals are exellent too. I heard all of their albums and i can saw that past Better Than Raw they didint do good ALBUMS. I'm no talking about separte songs here. Anyway, you got my point guys...
  20. Corporal McDick

    Nazi Punks Fuck Off!!!

    You are aware of that, right? Damn, what the fuck is going on?