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  1. S


    Any of you manage to get up to the mainland to see Slayer? I managed to run into Jesse Walker but that's about it. The entire Reign in Blood album being the highlight...I don't think the show could've been better except they didn't play Chemical Warfare or Seasons. Lombardo was better than I...
  2. S

    Noel, how about this?

    Instead of money, how about you and I come up with some sort of arrangement? You're looking for a website, and I can come up with a badass site for you guys. We're looking for some recording time. If you want to give us some time, we'll supply the engineer I think, I'll whip up a kick ass...
  3. S

    Last Show

    Last night was our last show, at least for a while, since I'm moving to Moncton today. Thanks to all that came and saw our loaded asses play fairly badly. Good fun though. :P Thanks to all the bands we've played with the past while. Keep the scene growing. Steve
  4. S

    We're Nu-Metal?

    I just read the interview with Noel - great job by the way, you all should read it - and in the band descriptions it described us as (GROOVE / NU-METAL). I always thought nu-metal was bands like Limp Bizkit/Korn/Creed/Drowning Pool, etc. I fucking hate the term nu-metal. :lol: We don't...
  5. S


    Hey all, I'm trying to expand my portfolio as I'm a programmer and no one will hire my ass in an actual company, so I'm looking to do some website work for any local bands, etc., if they want it done. I've been talking to a few possibles recently and I'd be happy to take care of a few...
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    New Forum

    I've added a new forum on if anyone wants to check it out. :muahaha:
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    Attn: bands

    I don't know if you remember a site called Abrasive Online about a year ago. I'm pulling together the site again with a few friends and want to compile a list of every metal, hardcore and punk band here along with info about each band, meaning members, pictures, etc. If you can give me some...
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    Live Video

    What's the status of that live video that was done a little while ago anyway? I'm eager to check it out soon.
  9. S

    Check us out, we're a little new school but not anything like the current trend of Papa Roach or anything like that stuff.
  10. S

    Check it out, mind you it's not finished yet. Trying to see how people would react to it since it's quite large. Please give me a time estimate on how long it takes to load or if it's slow. Thanks
  11. S

    New Website

    We're moving into a new website at with a new look and design. ETA is June 6. Hopefully I can make it on time with the layout. :P Also Noel, we've gotta get that interview done this week as well as give up some cash. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon and we'll work out a time...
  12. S

    Hey Noel...

    I haven't forgotten about calling you back man. Just ironing out a few things on my end. I'll get you tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully I'm not too late. 5am and getting home from work. 11 hour shift. :lol: Sucks to be me I guess.
  13. S

    Jesse we've got problems

    Hey man, we just found out (2am here now) that this show will be very expensive to pull off. The usual, John Cahill wants half the door money. The problem is that Wallace is unavailable for the show. However, there is a guy who is putting off shows at Calio's this weekend that will rent...
  14. S

    Show on the 30th

    Did D-Comp drop out? That's the rumor. So are set lists going to be extended, or is the show going to start later, or do we all shift back a notch? Steve
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    We've got some new stuff on the website, including a new messageboard built. It's a decent board with NO popups or advertisements.
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    Slag has a feature in this week's edition of the Muse. It's kinda cool. If your band wants free promo, it's definately a decent resource to tap.
  17. S

    Bloodline That's the link for Slayer's Bloodline video. It's a pretty good video with all the guys covered in fake blood. I just found it tonight and I didn't even know they made one for it. Cheers, Steve
  18. S


    I just updated our website last night at Anyone who wants a link or something just let me know. Also any suggestions or criticism is welcome. Does she load fast enough?, etc.
  19. S


    We'll be recording our 1st full cd in about 2-3 weeks and we may need to rent a mixing board. Anyone know of a place who rents them cheap or would someone be willing to rent one to us? We'd probably need a 16 channel board or roughly thereabout.
  20. S

    Best metal album?

    Guess who's nominated for the best metal album at the Canadian Independent Music Awards? Bucket Truck :confused: I just read it on the Gamberg board. Give them best rock album, not best METAL album.