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  1. S

    Brutal Assault 2013

    Hi everyone, It has been such a nice atmosphere on Brutal Assault in Jaromer/Königsgrätz. I feel, I have to say Thanks also to In Vain, Solefald, and of course To Borknagar, for playing, though Vintersorg was not able to attend the show. It was the best show you guys ever delivered (I have...
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    reflections listening to music

    Hi I thought of making a new thread because this is very special. I would like to know what your emotions are when listening to Borknagar? Of what are you reminded and what are your thoughts in relation to the music? I am reminded of the ocean because I love sailing and usually listened...
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    Inner Ocean Hypothesis-> music?

    somehow i find this song strange?! Because in the beginning of the song the Keys remind me of 'music' from John Miles (music was my first love and it will be my last...). I can't melp myself out of this?! I find it quiet funny actually Greetings Skidzo
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    Translation for Borknagar M.R. 012

    Someone did this Translation and i found this one in the CD text: 01. Vintervredets Sjelesagn = Soul-tale of the winter wrath 02. Tanker mot Tind (Kvelding) = Thoughts/reflections towards the peak (getting evening) 03. Svartskogs Gilde = black forest's feast/banquet 04. Ved Steingard = by...
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    Does anyone know about Asmegin?! ->Band Lazare is singing for. Really great work Lars!!! I would like to have some of their Lyrics translated from Norwegian into English. That would be great, cheers!