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  1. M

    Hello out there!

    Hi Everybody! I see some new faces here and some old friends. I havent posted in a while but I do still check in from time to time. I hope every one is well. I've been stupid busy with the band, and Life. I noticed that the IMG web site is down. Is there a place I can gat a hold of the tunes we...
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    Former OVERKILL Guitarist Resurfaces

    from Former OVERKILL Guitarist Resurfaces In RESPONSE NEGATIVE - Apr. 8, 2003 Former OVERKILL/GRIP INC. guitarist Bobby Gustafson has resurfaced in a new South Florida-based band called RESPONSE NEGATIVE. A self-proclaimed power/death metal group, RESPONSE NEGATIVE have...
  3. M

    Former OVERKILL Guitarist Resurfaces .......

    from Former OVERKILL Guitarist Resurfaces In RESPONSE NEGATIVE - Apr. 8, 2003 Former OVERKILL/GRIP INC. guitarist Bobby Gustafson has resurfaced in a new South Florida-based band called RESPONSE NEGATIVE. A self-proclaimed power/death metal group, RESPONSE NEGATIVE have...
  4. M

    so what do you guys think I forgot?

    Whats up gang! I am alive and well, I just wanted to stop by and give you guys a little update. this is from Former OVERKILL Guitarist Resurfaces In RESPONSE NEGATIVE - Apr. 8, 2003 Former OVERKILL/GRIP INC. guitarist Bobby Gustafson has resurfaced in a new South...
  5. M

    Total elclipse karokee mix

    Is now up on myplay in my locker. I'm almost positive I had this to mix, if not sorry for jumping the gun. Anyway it sounds great. EC-as usual another solid track, I took your sugestion and added a bit of low end just to bring up the tone. So have a listen and let me know what you guys think...
  6. M

    any use for a drummer here? :)

    Hey Kids! Here I am alive and well. Sorry for the dissappearing act but Life has been a bit hectec with school, bands and work,and home life, lol The web site looks friggin AWESOME! I am totally impressed. I see that we've still got some unfinished tracks out there in IMG purgatory. Are we...
  7. M

    My play re opens my account! PLEASE READ

    How Cool, Here's the dilly yo! my account is open once again but here' what my play said:Hello, Thank you for contacting myplay. Due to increased illegal usage of our site, we have implemented new systems to prevent abuse of myplay. Accounts are checked for sharing of...
  8. M

    Myplay closed again!

    I cant friggin beleive this shite! It's 8 am, I'm off all day and I just read the posts that both Crossy and Rabs have uploaded some new stuff that were working on. I log on to myplay, enter the info and I get this nasty message: YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN CLOSED DUE TO A VIOLATION OF HOUSE RULES...
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    Total Eclipse:official

    been a long time coming for this one, I'm not sure why cause it's a real easy track. but anyway it's up on my play
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    The Clairvoyant:official

    The drum track is up on myplay
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    The Assassian:official

    The new, improved drum track is up on myplay
  12. M

    Wasting Love Final!

    ok so this morning I was going through and cleaning up some files and I found that i still had to mix in the vox! so sorry for the huge delay, the final mix is now on myplay next up: I want out:) so everyone get ready for some backing vox
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    I'd love to do some Dio. The only thing I have on my plate now is the needle lies. So, If any one wants to do a Dio tune that's would be killer
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    Happy Birthday Crossy!

    good god we're getting old. haha I hope you have a great day
  15. M

    Where Eagles Dare new thread

    The bass track is up on my play
  16. M

    Caught Somewhere in Time....

    Lets get back to work kids........ The drum track is done and up on myplay. The one that is up there now has Hyde used for the intro, just to give a good reference. I will post one without Hyde too. oh the drum track matches up with Hydes entire example track too so if you wanna get a good...
  17. M

    Jerusalem Live......

    is now up on myplay enjoy!
  18. M

    anybody here today?

    i am soooooo stressed from watching the news. The past few days have been a news over load! so is eveybody else feeling like this? I was thinking of doing somerecording today just to get my mind off this for a while i dig the new color hope all is well with you guys
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    Children newest thread

    ok, after pain staking effort and some advice from Ad and Med, I think I'm close to a final on this one. this was a real bitch to mix so sit back have a listen and lay it on me:) it's up on myplay
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    Wasting Love Mix

    Ok kids.......I've been reading some posts sating that we're dead around here. I've been mixing like a maniac, as soon as I'm done with a few more mixes it's back to recording, so fear not! So for those of you looking for something to do please go to my play and have a listen to the first mix...