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  1. Metallicat180

    Scream for me London!!!

    Well, what can I say??? The Maidens first UK show was unbelievable!!! Sold the venue out which, according to Google, holds 800 people. I thought the crowd was literally going to wet itself with excitement when they started playing The Trooper and Kirsten ran out with the Union Jack and they...
  2. Metallicat180

    Bruce working on solo album

    Fantastic news!! Would love to see him touring his solo stuff live but I don't hold my breath sadly.
  3. Metallicat180

    Speed Of Light

    So the new Maiden track Speed Of Light was released today. What do we all think? I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!! The last couple of albums have been growers for me. This track I loved right from the start. Really catchy and I love the video as well. One of...
  4. Metallicat180

    Mini Iron Maiden

    I went looking on You Tube to see if I could find any video of the girls doing Ghost Of The Navigator (I couldn't) but I stumbled across this. They're only lip syncing but it's adorable!!! They've obviously watched Rock In Rio countless times as they had all the moves perfect!! Especially...
  5. Metallicat180

    R.I.P Clive Burr. FORMER IRON MAIDEN DRUMMER CLIVE BURR PASSES AWAY Published: Mar 13, 2013 We are deeply saddened to report that Clive Burr passed away last night. He had suffered poor health for many years...
  6. Metallicat180

    I got to meet Nicko!!

    So I finally got to meet a member of Maiden!!!! :D And the one that I always wanted to meet as well! He was doing a drum clinic up here in Scotland. It was originally meant to be in Falkirk but the venue had been double booked so it was moved to Bo'ness. No, I hadn't heard of it either...
  7. Metallicat180

    The Iron Maidens represented at Sonisphere UK!

    AND NOT BY ME THIS TIME!!! :D (although I did have one of my TIMs hoodies with me.) On the last day, me and my friends were looking at the t-shirts and I glanced over and saw this guy wearing an Iron Maidens shirt. So of course, I ran over to him and started asking him a million questions...
  8. Metallicat180

    Where in the world is Red Shirt v6

    Ok, let the guessing begin!! :D
  9. Metallicat180

    Where in the world is Red Shirt v.5!

    Where is he this time? Let the guessing begin!! :D
  10. Metallicat180

    Corey Taylor's Christmas single!

    Absolutely hilarious!!!!! All proceeds are going towards Teenage Cancer Trust. I laughed so hard at the "Hi Simon!" bit at the end because The X Factor (UK's American Idol style show) always seems to dominate the Christmas no.1 and has done pretty much ever year since it's been going. Last...
  11. Metallicat180

    Scream for me Dublin!!

    Ok, here's my typically long arsed, over enthusuastic review. :D I'd been looking forward to this gig for months since the last time I saw Maiden was back in 2008 on the Somewhere Back In Time tour. I found out I won first to the barrier wristbands for this at 5.30pm the day before the show...
  12. Metallicat180

    The Final 2002??

    Look at this picture! Look familiar?? Look at the date posted - "2002-08-23". Way too similar to be a coincidence. :u-huh:
  13. Metallicat180

    Metal Hammer to release 3D magazine cover!

    How awesome does this look?? Makes the new "Eddie" look slightly cool.
  14. Metallicat180

    Video of The Final Frontier posted online today!

    Unlike El Dorado, I immediately fell in love with this one. Bruce sounds amazing!! :notworthy Not keen on the video but then again, I hate all that outer space crap unless it's Red Dwarf (Has anyone actually heard of that show over there.)
  15. Metallicat180

    Adrian falls on his arse during Brave New World!

    Skip to around 4.08. Sorry H, I love you and all but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *points and laughs* I love how everyone just leaves him lying on the deck!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Metallicat180

    The Final Frontier tour setlist! *spoilers*

    I'm actually really loving the setlist!! 'The Wicker Man' 'The Ghost Of The Navigator' 'Brighter Than a Thousand Suns' 'El Dorado' 'Paschendale' 'The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg' 'These Colours Don't Run' 'Blood Brothers' 'Wildest Dreams' 'No More Lies' 'Brave New World' 'Fear Of The...
  17. Metallicat180

    The Final Frontier released 16th August

    The release date for IRON MAIDEN’S new studio album THE FINAL FRONTIER is now confirmed for Monday 16th August. The new album pictured here features artwork illustrated by Melvyn Grant and, to mark the occasion, the band have made special arrangements for one new album track 'EL...
  18. Metallicat180

    Maiden management enforcing deletion of fan photos online?

    Apparently there's been hundreds of fan photos deleted off Photobucket due to an enforcement by Maiden. Just giving people a head's up to back up any photos they might have online and not have another copy of. It's really kicked off on their boards and quite rightly so I think. Completely...
  19. Metallicat180

    The Maidens in Europe

    According to the homepage, the girls will be invading Europe soon. Will it be just mainland Europe or will it include a trip to good old Blighty as well?? *crosses fingers* The European metal crowd is one of the best in the world and I can't wait for y'all to rock this side of the Atlantic...
  20. Metallicat180

    Thank you!

    Now that I've had time to rest and get my brain back in gear, I wanted to post a few thank you's to some very special people. Kim and Derek - for letting me spend Christmas and new year with them, for being so very generous and for being wonderful people and friends. Thank you from the bottom...