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  1. falling bird

    Escape the Day (for fans of Antimatter, quieter Katatonia and slow-core)

    Hey there, those of you who were active members of the Katatonia board here on UM back in the days may remember that several years ago we (the late Florian and me, Lars) introduced our band here called Escape The Day and the album "ghostless". This music is first and foremost no metal...
  2. falling bird

    Escape The Day

    Hey there, those of you who were active members of the Katatonia board here on UM back in the days may remember that several years ago we (the late Florian and me, Lars) introduced our band here called Escape The Day and the album "ghostless". This music is first and foremost no metal, but...
  3. falling bird

    escape the day - True Norwegian Shoegazer Metal

    Hi folks! I play in a band called escape the day. We love Antimatter. Do yourself a favour and check out our music! :rock:
  4. falling bird

    Katatonia Interview Translation

    Ok guys and girls, I sat myself down and tried my best to translate the Katatonia interview into english, here we go. Show begins with “Ghost of the sun” Host: “Ghost of the sun” starts off the 7th Katatonia studio album “Viva emptiness”, an album that shows the band with a steady development...
  5. falling bird

    Pics from the Potsdam/Waschhaus gig

    I'm awaiting more pics of that gig, so bring 'em on
  6. falling bird

    Looking forward to some pocket slapping action!

    The new Katatonia tour dates are up on now, looks pretty complete. Let's hope those are the final dates then. I'm prepared for it :rock:
  7. falling bird

    WTF is going on??

    Ok, i don't know who of you is gonna agree with me when i say that this board has become more and more rude and intolerant during the last time. If someone is stating his opinion saying for example that he likes the new Katatonia more than the old ones he gets flamed for that and that is just...
  8. falling bird

    A question for Jesse

    Will there be a new Katatonia site with the release of Viva Emptiness? Just curious :)
  9. falling bird

    Graham Coxon anyone??

    Hi there Anyone here listening to Graham Coxon??? I can't believe it's only me listening to his by the way excellent stuff. So come on, anyone into him??
  10. falling bird

    Look at that!!!

    Hey people, you who are involved with ebay,have a look at that! This may be somthing for people who just got to know Katatonia: That's the unique chance to get the whole Katatonia discography included "Saw you drown" and even the...
  11. falling bird

    I just won...

    I just won the saw you drown ep at ebay!!! for just 36 €!! OH my god, i'm so nervous,let me just say that i'm so happy!
  12. falling bird

    What are Katatonia up to at the moment?

    Are they working on new material or on something else? I heard that there is going to be an album including all the ep's,is there a release date already? Maybe someone here knows more, or maybe Anders can give us a few facts,for example of how the new material will sound like and if it will...
  13. falling bird

    Army or civilian service,what did you do?

    Hi This may be a bit off-topic but since i had my last day today doing my civilian service(which is 10 months at the moment here in Germany) i would be interested in knowing what you guys did,Civilian service or did you go to the army? Tell me about the time and what time it was for you...
  14. falling bird


    How do you find Ulver? I stumbled upon them a few weeks ago and i wanted to hear what you think about this band. Who has got any records of them and how do you find the progress that they've been going through from BM to ???,i don't know. Btw, is someone hear interested in BM? What are your...
  15. falling bird

    Nature - Important to you or not?

    This thread is made to talk about everything concerning nature. Tell me what you combine with it and if it is somehow important to you or not. Tell me what you like/dislike about it, for example which season you like/dislike most and why, what you feel during different effects and changes of...
  16. falling bird

    A closer look into life's painful side

    Hi folks! There is a thing that has been on my mind for a long time. I think that many people today only deal with the "good" things and feelings they have. They are never busy thinking about feelings like melancholy or depression,because many of them say:"why should i?"or:"are you kind of...