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  1. Victor Meldrew

    Kobi, what is your secret to making great coffee?

    You, sir, are world famous (at least in metal circles) for your brilliantly-brewed coffee. So, how do you make it? Turkish style? How about a cooking-class, or at least a recipe? :tickled:
  2. Victor Meldrew

    People who abandon metal music

    The tell-tale signs of the "I've outgrown metal" syndrome: - Metal bands who, when asked by interviewers which metal bands they listen to or have been influenced by, list no metal bands... "Oh, I only listen to singer-songwriters, indie, techno, and trip-hop these days..." - The "only metal...
  3. Victor Meldrew

    Are you a metrosexual?

    If you're from France or San Francisco, then probably yes. Elsewhere, there's no excuse. :yuk: Men aren't wired to care about grooming and their nails and their hair and if the fucking curtains match the plates. Bring back the days of rugby, beer, fightin', non-talkativeness, and NO...
  4. Victor Meldrew

    20% to 40% of Brits support the war in Iraq

    Who are these people? Do you know anyone who supports the war? Even in places like France or Germany something like 10-15% support it--- who ARE these people, and have you met any of them? Granted, most of youse who post here, especially on the Continent, would oppose the war even if it WERE...
  5. Victor Meldrew

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm unemployed by choice. I sold my house, you see, and am living off the profits for a couple years. It's good work if you can get it.
  6. Victor Meldrew

    Hey Lord of This World

    Do you lot plan to play live, or is Serotonal to be a studio-only project? 'td be grand to see Dazza back up on th' stage.
  7. Victor Meldrew

    Will Vintersorg play guitar on upcoming gigs/cds?

    It makes sense, no, as he's really rather good with the 6-strings? It would also save the hassle of finding someone new and teaching them the material. Maybe VS wants to be more of a frontman in this band, though, and stick to vocals?
  8. Victor Meldrew

    What's your favourite part of England?

    I know it's fashionable wif th' kids these days to be unpatriotic and all "I hate my country" an' such, but the fact is, Albion is a marvellous place. I just happen to reside in its arse. Trust me, you don't live in the arse. The underside of the scrotum, maybe, but not the arse. Come to my...
  9. Victor Meldrew

    Band Aid was the best Christmas song

    Band Aid took the cake. Bono, Simon LeBon, Adam Ant, Grace Jones, and Paul Young sing in unison: "Fee-eed them, whoa-a-oh-oh! Let them know it's Christmas-time-o! It's a choice we're making.... we're saving our own lives...." Oh wait, that last line was from We Are The World. Elicits a...
  10. Victor Meldrew

    They're running out of paprika in Hungary

    Rumour has it that they are using a replacement comprised of the following components: 1 tsp coriander 1/2 tbs black pepper 1/4 cayenne pepper dash oregano sprinkle of thyme But it's an inferior substitute. When they serve the...
  11. Victor Meldrew

    How many times a day do you masturbate?

  12. Victor Meldrew

    Danes vs. Swedes vs. Norwegians--- who were the best Vikings?

    (We won't have a separate category for the Icelanders since they were originally Norwegian, after all, and didn't really go viking like their counterparts eastward did, having developed a more settled society). Let's see... the Danes would be the early favourite, since they probably were more...
  13. Victor Meldrew

    Sid Barrett vs. Roger Waters

    I'll side with Sid. Mind you, I'm ever so fond of Waters-era output, but it's all so... fenced-in and 4/4 and sing-along (okay, not all of it, but a lot!). Which is good, but which also has its limits. Sid's stuff was more disconcerting, dizzying, odd, frightening, and unnerving. I think this...
  14. Victor Meldrew

    Bush is close to winning.

    What does that say about America? The end is coming sooner than you think, methinks. Who's 'next'? Iran? The people who voted for Cowboy will reap what they've sown when there's another attack on their soil. Shall we boycott American goods as a small gesture of our disgust? No more...
  15. Victor Meldrew

    Whoever pissed Duncan Strangelight off had better run.

    I heard he's into his kung-fu trip. Plus he has the same last name as yours truly, and it really is one of the best surnames out there. Plus, if I remember correctly-- this is going waaaay back to Phil Morgan's unofficial Anathema site, and I don't know why I remember this---- his fave...
  16. Victor Meldrew

    Who killed Olof Palme?

    Was it the same person who killed J.R., Kennedy, Anwar Sadat, and Quorthon? A chap from Bergen once passed this on to me: "Forty Swedes ran through the weeds, pursued by one Norwegian."
  17. Victor Meldrew

    Mental illness- is it real?

    I have my doubts. While there may be people who suffer from bona fide mental afflictions, in this day and age mental illness is used as a crutch, or as an excuse to explain personal failings and shortcomings. Everyone is popping Prozac and visiting the friendly neighbourhood shrink, it seems...
  18. Victor Meldrew

    Who was the coolest member of Celtic Frost?

    Eh? 's gotta be Ain. When Warrior decided to tease his hair, Ain handed in his walking papers. Class move, that.
  19. Victor Meldrew

    How is your aim?

    Mine is terrible. There is a golden crescent around my bog-hole from where I missed. I don't bother to clean it up, because I discovered that the stench reminds me of the Jorvik Museum in York, and that's just fine with me.
  20. Victor Meldrew

    It's strange that Antimatter toured the U.S.

    Surely the band has sold very few records there, far fewer than the Cavanaughs, who've only played one or two shows there? Was there a positive response, or were you booed and heckled by death metallers? "Fuck this fag shit! Cannibal CORPSE!!!!!!!!" Cue folding of arms and swilling of...