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  1. BodomIsYourGod

    how to sing Death metal

    Hello all: im wondering if anyone could give me some tips on how to sing Like corpseginder ect...... Thanx
  2. BodomIsYourGod

    Dateline owned!
  3. BodomIsYourGod

    Cannibal Corpse Lounge Singer :lol: Funny Stuff!
  4. BodomIsYourGod


  5. BodomIsYourGod


    Happy 4/20 everyone! hope you have a good night. BTW: for those who don't no what 4/20 is... its national Weed smokin dAy!
  6. BodomIsYourGod

    Emily Rose

    Have any of you seen the Exersism of Emily rose. it sucks donky dick! Way to goddamn predictable and half the movie there in a court room talking. GAY!!
  7. BodomIsYourGod

    In Your Face Tab!

    Hey i don't know if this was already a thread or if anyone care but here is the tab.
  8. BodomIsYourGod

    Hate Crew Deathroll.........

    Hey i was just wondering if its just my C.D. or does everyone have the 3 minute silence after Hate Crew Deathroll before the c.d. ends?
  9. BodomIsYourGod

    Maiden's HA
  10. BodomIsYourGod


    Where do you guys/girls work. And how much do you get paid...............if your not a lazy ass who still mouches money of there parent's.
  11. BodomIsYourGod

    Ring Ring

    Hey..Does Anyone know of any Children Of Bodom ring tone's?
  12. BodomIsYourGod

    616? ????????My whole life has been a lie:erk: !
  13. BodomIsYourGod


    How do I get a Free IPod. I know there was another thread about it but im to lazy to look.
  14. BodomIsYourGod

    Pope John Paul 2

    What do you fellow bodomirers think about him diying................... If anyone acctuly cares:err:
  15. BodomIsYourGod

    Try this at home.
  16. BodomIsYourGod

    wowzers check de check check check de check it out
  17. BodomIsYourGod


    what do you like better X BOX or PLAYSTATION
  18. BodomIsYourGod


    Whats your favorite drink?
  19. BodomIsYourGod


    Hey I heard from the IRON MAIDEN forum Alexi's arm is back to normal. Can anyone say if its correct?
  20. BodomIsYourGod

    Dont get it

    I keep trying to figert out how to change my pic but nothings working. Can anyone help:rock: