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  1. V

    Hello... Hello... Hello... Is There Anybody Out There?

    Inspired by Pink Floyd, written by me! Anyone here? :hypno:
  2. V

    Benny Breeg!

    Inspired by Constantines post I found a dodgy backing track and recorded some guitar over it... In true style I couldn't be bothered to learn the last part of the solo and just winged it! Not mixed, not corrected, just played and recorded!
  3. V

    Storage Space

    I've created an account on for storing any files. It's got a 1GB limit on it which should be enough for now! PM me for the login details...
  4. V

    On The Prowl...

    For tracks that is! :goggly: Just wondering if anyone out there has IMG tracks they would be willing for me to pay them to send? I'm after everything, single tracks, karoake, rough mixes, finished mixes, alternate mixes and everything in between! After losing almost all of them I'm eager...
  5. V

    Update Thread

    Let's see if we can get this place alive again... All the members, old and new give us an update on what you've been up to :rock: Myself... Went to college and now in my 3rd year at university studying computing, been seeing a lovely lady for almost a year now and passed my driving test 6...
  6. V

    Anyone here from the Iron Maiden BB?

    Has anyone been here to take a look after seeing my post on the Iron Maiden BB? I know it looks dead right now (Ok, it is dead right now!) but with a few people we can get this rolling again I'm sure! Sign up below if you're here and have any questions... :kickass:
  7. V

    Anybody Here?

    Hello! :rock: Anyone still lurking around? I've just rediscovered this forum after many years and wanted to say hello! Hope you are all well! Posted a message on the new IMBB about the site to see if we can drum up some more interest :kickass:
  8. V

    FTP Details...

    Can someone send me the details for the FTP if it's still up, I've gone and lost them! :Spin: :worship:
  9. V

    Rabies! <--------

    Hi mate :) The Futureal demo I did is up on the FTP server, can you have a listen and let me know if it sounds ok playing wise? If it does, I'll get the final tracks done for you! Cheers dude! :grin:
  10. V

    Ultima Dude! <-----

    Hi mate! :) Glad to see another Brit in here! Where about's in merry ol' England you from? :grin:
  11. V

    Futureal Update!

    Can someone e-mail me the details for the FTP Server? I lost 'em! Doh! :dopey: Gonna upload the demo track I did ages ago and if it gets the ok from you (In other words, doesn't suck!) I'll get the proper one done for definite next week, that is a 100% gold coated promise! :grin:
  12. V

    Futureal - Take 1!

    Yo! :) How are you all doing? Hope all is well, sorry for my lack of input lately Xmas + work + college = CRAZY hours!!! :eek: It's just turned 2am at the minute and I decided to do a take of Futureal (To show I'm still working on it more than anything!!!). I did the roughest mix in the...
  13. V

    What A Sh**, Fu****g, B*****d weekend this has been!

    Need to write this down somewhere and get it off my chest, hope you don't mind me using this forum! 1st my Mum and Dad split up, and now I've just been informed that my Aunt has died! :( :mad: Whatever C**t is dishing out all this crap to me just as I'm getting my life back together can...
  14. V

    Still Alive - Just A Glutton For Punishment!!

    Yo! :) Hope you are all well! Just a quick message to say hi and let you know I'm still alive!! The last few weeks have been crazy! I went to Tennessee a couple of weeks ago (And loved it! I want to live out there!) and have started College, getting back to work, rejoining my old band...
  15. V

    Are There Any Songs Or Albums

    That you can't listen to or have difficulty listening to because of the memories, emotions etc. they bring out in you/remind you of? Deep I know!! Just curious if anyone else experiences this or if it's just me being daft!! Dream Theaters new one "6 Degrees Of Inner Turbulence" does it for...
  16. V


    A sunny relaxed day and new strings on my guitar! Perfect! :cool:
  17. V

    *Virus Picks His Jaw Up From The Floor*

    :rock: :notworthy :OMG: :eek: I just listened to the karaoke versions of The Clairvoyant and The Tower... WOAH!!!!!!!!!! 2002 is indeed a fine year for the I.M.G.!!!! Excellent work my friends! :) :grin: :spin:
  18. V

    Post Number....

    4000!!!!! Cool! :eek: :grin:
  19. V


    :rock: :notworthy: :eek: I forgot how damn good Eddie V is!!!!! :eek:
  20. V

    I Need Your Critique Of Something!

    I've had a riff going round in my head for ages now and tonight decided to sit down and work on it a bit... I've recorded a very rough mix giving the jist of the song and would really like to hear what you all think of it with any suggestions you have to make it better! :) You can get it...