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  1. xshadowsoulsx

    Best of '06 CDs.

    Ok, so post your favorite cds of 2006 here. There's no limit on how many. Ill figure out a way to make a "Best of '06" list at the end. Im working on my list right now.
  2. xshadowsoulsx

    Official Kalmah Tab Thread

    So Ive been noticing that there have been alot of threads requesting Kalmah tabs. So I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread just designed for them. Ill try to update the first post with new tabs whenever I can and I have new tabs. Not all of these were made by people in the forum...
  3. xshadowsoulsx

    Imperanon fans...

    Hey, come join Imperanon's forum. . Its a cool place to go :) And for all you guitar players, Aleksi posted some tabs from their Stained album :D
  4. xshadowsoulsx

    Tokyo Warhearts Clip

    Im pretty sure this clip is from Tokyo Warhearts, how the guy got it, I dont know, but I wish I did. Sounds just like it, and during the credits, it even says recorded in Tokyo in June of 1999. Song is Silent Night, Bodom Night.
  5. xshadowsoulsx

    Ensiferum 1997-1999

    Does anybody have this CD? It says it was only sold for a limited time, but I want to hear the songs on it because they are from their demos.
  6. xshadowsoulsx

    Folk Music?

    Anybody know where I might be able to download some folk music? Like Celtic or Medieval folk music? Im trying to get some inspiration for songs, and I didnt know if anybody knew some good artists in this genre. I know Ensiferum and some other bands like them, but I wasnt sure if anybody knew...
  7. xshadowsoulsx

    Folk Music?

    Anybody know where I might be able to download some classic folk music?
  8. xshadowsoulsx

    COB Guitar Clinic.

    Did anybody go? Any pictures or videos of it?
  9. xshadowsoulsx

    New Imperanon Songs

    So Imperanon has put up some new songs on their website, . Not bad songs, but still not as good as their old stuff, it seems that they went though a style change. check em out :rock:
  10. xshadowsoulsx

    Imperanon New Songs

    So for anybody that likes them, they have some songs off their new demo up at its not bad stuff, just not as good as their first cd. check it out. :kickass:
  11. xshadowsoulsx

    My First Photoshop

    Ok, well I just got Photoshop, and i knew nothing about how to use it, so I messed around alittle and this came out. I know its not the greatest, and it uses and old idea, but I thought it would be the easiest to start off with. :)
  12. xshadowsoulsx

    Alexi Did What?!?

    ABSOULUTLY NOTHING, and i wouldnt care if he did anything, im really getting tired of all the fucking new people constantly posting threads about alexi, i know there is a thread for people to know that its not just him in the band, but i still dont think that they get it. so please, for all of...
  13. xshadowsoulsx

    COB Live Videos

    Hey, does anybody have either the Live in Lyon or Nosturi gigs? I had them on my computer but I cant find them anymore, can anybody upload them for me?
  14. xshadowsoulsx

    Young Guitar Beginners 06

    Does anybody have the dvd for this? The one with Alexi on the cover. I'd really like to see what it has in it. I dont have the FTP if it is in there, so if anybody could upload it or send it to me, it would be great. :)
  15. xshadowsoulsx

    new Eternal Tears of Sorrow cd

    hey does anybody have this? its been leaked but i dont have a way of getting it. can somebody please upload it for me or send it to me?
  16. xshadowsoulsx

    Sonata Arctica DVD

    according to Sonata Arctica's website that which is funny for me, becuase i got my copy of it on April 2nd for about $12, and it originally was supposed to be release on the 4th, so sorry for all you people that were waiting for it and have to wait even longer.
  17. xshadowsoulsx

    Into Eternity on Ozzfest!!! check it out! second stage Happy April Fools! :p
  18. xshadowsoulsx

    if only this was true
  19. xshadowsoulsx

    Amazing Guitarist!!

    yeah you gotta check this guy out, he can play a bodom solo perfectly, it is so amazing
  20. xshadowsoulsx

    Any News on the CD or a new Record Company?

    i didnt know if anything big has happened with them finding a record company that will sell their cd also, is there any place to buy any merchandise?