Search results

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    Xenocide zine editor's new literary zine

    Mundanist avant-garde mockery of modern society, an absurdism wrapped around logic but based in an aesthetic disdain. The "Weird, Paranoid, Insane" issue: fact and fiction by Grant Bailie, Keith Buckley, Tony Byrer, Joshua Citrak, Kurt Eisenlohr, Rebel Star Hobson, Stephen Huffman, Jon...
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    Death to all Christians now

    All they do is fuck up: * Start useless wars * Kill pagans * Stop drugs and sex * Bad TV Exterminate the brutes, I say. http://www.**********.com/
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    Interview with a transcendentalist Nazi

    Interview with Craig Smith, LNSG ( The Libertarian National Socialist Green party has a broad and coherent platform worthy of close survey. Yet it also uses historical references that may make one frown. To unearth the wells of its ideology, these questions were fired at the...
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    Place to buy/sell/trade metal CDs and tshirts

    Metal Market - come in and post your lists, or your wants, of metal CDs and tshirts and related items. Private traders (no companies) only, please.
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    The Remnant

    You do not know and will never know who the Remnant are, or where they are, or how many of them there are, or what they are doing or will do. Two things you know, and no more: first, that they exist; second, that they will find you. ~ Albert Jay Nock Our modern world is grounded in the...
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    Mandatory Face Punching

    Suppose our medical science proves that all stupidity, cancers and AIDS/H5N1 (airborne AIDS) can be eliminated with a daily punch to the face. 1. No one wants to be punched in the face. 2. It is in their, and society's, best interests that they are. .: Mandatory face punching must occur...
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    Benevolent fascism

    Say that tomorrow my friend Ed became benevolent fascist dictator of the United States. His acts are: 1. All cars are destroyed, to be replaced by bikes, public transit and horses. 2. All shopping is consolidated into single districts once every five miles. 3. All communities are...
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    Democracy: designed to fail

    1. Almost everyone on the planet thinks most of the others are morons. Few people can run their lives sensibly. 2. The larger the group of humans, the fewer comprehensive decisions are made; a lowest common denominator is achieved. 3. Democracy is based on the poor judgement of these...
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    Why does a social taboo exists against this? The dead are inanimate, and do not feel. We do not hesitate to burn them, to gut them and embalm them, or to use them as cadavers. What is different about deriving sexual pleasure from them? It is high time we admit this taboo exists from the...
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    Slavery and Genocide

    Hypothetically, what if one group of people were so renowned for terrible behavior or group stupidity that there was no use for them in a forward-moving future society? It would make sense to at the very least oppress them, possibly good sense to enslave them, and ultimately, really clear...
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    The importance of imagination

    I doubt this would have surprised Plato or Schopenhauer. They would have smiled, patiently as if talking to an idiot dog, and carefully mentioned how imagination keeps us from feeling confined and looking repetitively in the same set of failed solutions. I feel our society is lacking a sense of...
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    Averse Sefira live in Minnesota

    This show is one of those memories you forget is real, and find yourself a week later thinking how it occupies a space between thought and dream and a pinch-yourself moment in the midst of chaos. Arriving late after a harrowing evening involving taking a good friend to the hospital after he ate...
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    Xenocide zine and blog

    Xenocide zine: 1990s death metal. Free downloads in PDF format on the site. And its Editor, Jon Konrath, has a subtly death metal blog:
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    Heidenlarm Metal eZine

    Heidenlarm Metal/Neoclassical E-zine #8 Released Heidenlarm E-zine has returned to celebrate the best in metal/neoclassical music and culture. For those interested in discerning, intelligent, and original discussion and analysis of metal without moralism or social pretense...
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    Carnage - Dark Recollections

    Carnage - Dark Recollections (1992) A world beyond bleeding through the spread fingers with which we attempt to block the obvious, Carnage batters out music that is from alternating angles viewed as either a blunt object or a delicate sensibility emerging from within depraved deconstruction...
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    Article: The Virus

    Something has gone wrong with the human experiment. Problems worsen, like the days before a flu kicks into high gear, so we tighten our belts and charge ahead as best we can. Doubt itches and burns and infects our sleep, but we can't find a clear source of the problem. We know we do not feel...
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    Metal, Karmic Cycles, and Mythic Imagination

    The notion of a prism represents the first challenge to our early worlds of concrete time and space. A device that fragments light, and reveals a space within a solid known quantity, seems to us an expansion of dimension. As we get older, we realize the expansion of dimension occurs within...
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    Images of Violence

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    Celtic Frost live radio interview

    Metalenema metal radio show will interview Tom G. Warrior and Celtic Frost for a November 2nd broadcast completely of the complete interview and the best of the band's output. Check out this live radio show on Thursday, November 2nd. The show starts 7pm CST but you can catch a...