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  1. M

    8-Bit Silence Calls The Storm

    So I came across this on youtube the other day and just had to share it with you guys. Silence calls the storm remixed in 8-bits like the old school nintendo days. Now all QV needs is an epic video with some epic boss battles to go with it :rock:
  2. M

    Audio Interview With Bart!!!

    Yes, thats right, Bart speaks! "QUO VADIS axeman Bart Frydrychowicz were interviewed for this week's "The Metal File" podcast from Montreal's CHOM-FM" Check it out guys! *edit* hope you guys kick ass at the show. i'd kill to be there!
  3. M

    Quo Vadis Demo

    Just wondering how many copies of this you guys printed when you had created your first demo. I saw one on ebay a year or two ago... now I'm kicking myself for not having bought it:goggly:
  4. M

    Origin of the Band

    This thought just occured to me.... How did Quo Vadis come to be. How did the original members know/meet each other? Were you all friends, did you go to school together? I just realized I know nothing of how my favorite band came into existence :goggly: And then I guess how did you find / know...
  5. M

    Bart, clear your PM inbox

    Dunno how else to communicate this, so I figured I'd make a thread. "QV has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space." Bart, clear your inbox :P
  6. M

    The Guitar Player's Thread

    I figured every forum has one of these, so why not create one for the QV forum :) Basically, this is a thread where guitar players can ask questions about anything guitar related and also leave comments and what not. Bassists, drummers, and keyboardists, feel free to respond in here as well.
  7. M

    QV Songs that have never been played live?

    I was wondering if there are songs that you guys have never played and the reason for not having done so... Now I've unfortunately never seen you guys live, and I could be wrong here, but I don't recall ever seeing "As One" on any setlist. I think its a great song, so I was just curious as to...
  8. M

    Your Website Hit Counter Keeps Getting Reset.

    I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but the hit counter on keeps getting reset. It's quite odd really. Just thought the band might wanna know ^^
  9. M

    Type of Guitar MAG uses?

    What type of guitar does MAG use? I haven't been able to make out the brand from the pictures...
  10. M

    Why is Dominic's nickname "Forest"?

    As the subject says... how did Mr. Lapointe get his nickname of Forest? It's something I've always wondered :goggly:
  11. M

    Good luck on tour guys!

    To my friends in QV, I wish you guys the best of luck on your upcoming European Tour. I'm sure you guys are excited to get out there and tear that place apart since we all know you are the best band on the bill :kickass: Show those European Metalheads what real metal is all about :rock: So...
  12. M

    QV Myspace

    Hi guys, Alex here... just wanted to let you guys know that I've been maintaining the QV myspace page for the past year and a half ... check it out at so for all you myspace freaks, add it up! Thought I might post this here, seeing as my bud Marcos posted the orkut...