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  1. GONE Ridin' Hood

    The "Norwegian" thread

    Well, I made this thread so that the Norwegians that post in the forum could help out the rest of the people who don't know the language at all :) :kickass: . Obviously one can study by him/herself (as I try to do), so I would like the Norwegians here to give some kind of advice. This as...
  2. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Merry X-mas!

    Well, hope you all have a good time with your family and friends! :) I hope next year is better for all of us, and may we see lots of great releases and concerts! :rock: And don't drink if you're going to drive :mad: . Anyways, have a good time! May Borknagar shine down on you! :lol...
  3. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Old DL shirts

    Will they be available again? I really wanted the white long-sleeve! :waah::waah:
  4. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Climate Change and Related Issues

    I wanted to know what you guys do in order to stop global warming. If there's another thread like this feel free to close it Rahvin. SAVE THE PLANET!!!
  5. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Stop global warming!!!

    Well, since most of the people that post here are from the US, and the US is the 2nd biggest polluter of the world; I would like to know what you guys do to stop global warming. I recycle. I plant trees. I don't take much time in the shower. What do you do to help the planet? Bye! :rock:
  6. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Save the planet!!! Stop global warming!!!

    Well I find this thread appropriate considering the crisis we're confronting nowadays, and also because Bork has always had a deep relation with Nature and related topics. I want to know what YOU do in order to help the planet. I recicle. I plant trees. I don't waste much time and...
  7. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Your favourite song of Fiction.

    Well, I wonder why nobody did this before so here it is hehe :p . Vote for your favourite song of the cd. It doesn't have to be the best one (musically speaking), but the one you like the most :) :rock: :kickass: . My vote: Terminus: Where Death Is Most Alive :worship:
  8. GONE Ridin' Hood

    The Latin-America thread

    Well, since most people around here IMHO don't know a thing of how Latin-America really is, I decided to create this thread :) :p . So, feel free to post all the questions, comments and doubts you may have, and me and my Latin-America counterparts ( :p ) will try to answer them all...
  9. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Type 2 Diabetes.

    I just read in (Costa Rican metal page) that Michael Nicklasson has Type-2 diabetes. So ye know, this is not an April Fool's joke (I'm rather known/hated for that, so I needed to state that clearly). I am very sorry to hear that, I have Type-1...
  10. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Something Borknagar said

    When I was on my trip in Europe, I bought a few metal mags :) , one of them was Terrorizer #152 :kickass: . Within it, there is an article about Borknagar. It's a normall article, nothing extraordinary :rolleyes: . They (well Øystein) basically talk about the new album. But there was a phrase...
  11. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Which is yer favourite Solefald album?

    Well, it's nice to have variety and all, so i made this non-related DT thread (there are othere threads like this anyway :rolleyes: ), so please choose which is yer favourite Solefald album! :rock: Pills Against the Ageless Ills :rock: 1st Solefald album I ever bought (some idiot...
  12. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Best Origin song.

    Well I would like to know which do ye think 'tis the best song of Origin :) . My vote goes to "White," I like this song so much, it's so epic :kickass: and yet melancholic :waah: . Anyway, don't hesitate to vote!
  13. GONE Ridin' Hood

    New album!

    So, it's supposed to be released this year right? And it's been what, jeez eight years since the last album? :erk: Damn I want new Testament material! :rock: No more recompilations please hehe. Anyway, this is one of the albums I'm really looking forward to this year, I wonder how...
  14. GONE Ridin' Hood

    "Focus Shift" Video

    If ye go here, you'll see DT's new video of "Foucs Shift" :) . I'm not sure if I like this video... . Well i obviously like it :rolleyes: , but I dislike the fact that the images are always changing on most of the video, I hate when that...
  15. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Fiction (for the ones who haven't heard it yet!)

    Well, I decided to create this thread because I feel the need, the urge, to comment and discuss about the upcoming album as we were doing it before the leak appeared hehe :) :p :rock: . So everyone is free to post here, but please, if you have already heard "Fiction," please do not post...
  16. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Major deceptions.

    Well, having now returned from me trip in Europe, and now having heard both Origin and Black for Death, I have to make a statement I didn't think I would have to make. Basically, I was hugely dissapointed with Black for Death. It is missing that "Solefald" vibe, the unpredictability, the...
  17. GONE Ridin' Hood

    New news concerning the album! Lets help out with the title!

    Great news, can't wait for the new album!!! :rock: :kickass: :rock: :notworthy Actually it's interesting because as everyone knows I (and some other phorum members) was/am (were) dissapointed with the two songs previously "released" (WTIMA, BAH), but I actually feel VERY excited about the new...
  18. GONE Ridin' Hood

    If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

    Well, since I saw in the "Live shows" thread, a lot of people (me included) would certainly LOVE if Borknagar did a tour. This thread was done so that the band members could see in amore direct way than in the previously mentioned thread that we really want Borknagar (and Solefald hehe :p...
  19. GONE Ridin' Hood

    I am worried.

    Totally agree. I liked "Where Death is Most Alive", but "Blind at Heart" left a lot to be desired IMO. It is true that they're definetly/apparently going through yeat again the DD/Character style. I do not complain, since they're really excellent albums, BUT if they continue with that...
  20. GONE Ridin' Hood

    Discussion about the war between Israel and Lebanon, and how OP plays his role.

    Sorry if I'm not allowed to create a thread like this, if I'm not to feel free to delete it Mr/s. Moderator. Well, knowing that there are people from both Israel and Lebanon here, I just wanted to know your opinions about the terrible war that just happened (yet had always occured...), and how...