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  1. D.D.S. Polymath

    Kveldssanger Fiends Take Note of Vàli

    Hullo. I am not quite sure if anyone has already come across the fine self-released album by the Norwegian artist going under the name Vàli, but for anyone admiring Kveldssanger (and, quite probably, Bergtatt), the all-acoustic affair that is Forlatt might prove to be a true treasure trove...
  2. D.D.S. Polymath

    Trilogie-Era Ulver Photographs

    Hullo, everyone. I was wondering if, by any odd chance, there might be anyone knowing where old Ulver photographs (Bergtatt to Nattens Madrigal-era) can be found on the Internet (if at all). I remember seeing a good many photographs taken in the Norwegian countryside (Ulver members roaming...