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  1. Lari

    Scythes Of Bodom Blog

    For now / from now on you'll find the latest Scythes Of Bodom updates from here: Truth be told we're experiencing some problems with updating the actual site, but this will also be a more convenient way to post updates way more frequently. You'll find...
  2. Lari

    Worst COB live moments

    Alright, here we go. Now, let's make it perfectly clear that I really think that COB is a great live band but nobody's perfect and this thread is about the bad days. If you don't have anything else to say than "Alexi sucks, he's always sloppy and has never performed sober" then do everyone a...
  3. Lari

    The last thread about Sinergy

    Sinergy's new album was almost finished a few years ago but now it looks like it's never going to be released anyway since the greatest COB fansite in the universe tells us the following information: "Roope's input for the [Guitar Heroes] album is "Soap On The Rope": a song he made for the...
  4. Lari

    Children of Bodom (re)signs with Spinefarm Records

    Children of Bodom, one of the most successful and internationally acclaimed Finnish metal bands, have signed a three album extension to their deal with Spinefarm Records. CoB's next album "Are You Dead Yet?" will be an international priority release for Universal Music, who will release the...
  5. Lari

    Are You Dead Yet? cover art

    Fucking awesome.
  6. Lari

    Wanted : Vanhaa Bodom -kamaa TV:stä

    Homman nimi on se, että olis kiva saada vanhaa tv:stä tullutta Bodom -aiheista matskua, joka on jääny syystä tai toisesta nauhoittamatta. Penkokaapas videoitanne josko seuraavia juttuja löytyisi (muutakin voi toki tyrkyttää mutta aika suuri osa kamasta jo löytyy). Voin tarjota vaihdossa rahaa...
  7. Lari

    Scythes Of reopened

    We are back with a new layout and a shitload of new stuff. Check it out.
  8. Lari

    Trashed, Lost & Strungout CDS released & tour in Finland

    The brand new "Trashed, Lost & Strungout" CDS has been released today in Finland. 1. Trashed, Lost & Strungout / Original Mix 2. She Is Beautiful (Original version by Andrew W.K.) There are no lyrics on the booklet.. maybe they'll have 'em with the EP then. The poor bastards managed to...
  9. Lari

    Trashed, Lost & Strungout promotional video here!

    Well, not actually here but on :cool: For people wondering why the site was down, why it's currently empty and looks like crap, just read the statement on the temporary site.
  10. Lari

    Trashed, Lost & Strungout ARTWORK & FULL DETAILS

    ... on, of course. :grin:
  11. Lari

    Trashed, Lost & Strungout Studio Diary by Jaska

    Read about the best way to get rid off the hiccups, running around the studio in order to save seconds from the way too short studio time and to find out who won the ultimate pinball challenge.
  12. Lari

    Children Of Bodom in studio!

    Details :
  13. Lari

    Roope Latvala goes ESP Roope Latvala joins the ESP camp. He got yesterday his new hand made ESP Custom Shop Random Star guitars. Today Roope left with Children Of Bodom for the North American tour. ------------ Very surprising to me.. he used to be Jackson...
  14. Lari

    COB's plans for next year

    In a recent interview from Japan, Janne and Alexi told that COB has the following plans for next year : JANUARY 2004 - South-American Tour MARCH 2004 - Short European Tour SUMMER 2004 - Festivals AUTUMN 2004 - Recordings of new album (released at the end of the year or beginning of 2005)
  15. Lari

    Bestbreeder cover on Scythes of Bodom

    Check it out : Too bad they didn't bother to do a "real" new cover.
  16. Lari

    COB - The Trooper (here it goes again) Not like this. Not like this. :yell:
  17. Lari

    COB (w/ Norther and Omnium Gatherum) in Nosturi

    Holy shit!! [insert 10 lines of praising the show to the skies] setlist : They dedicated Everytime I Die to Teemu "Somnium" Raimoranta. There were two fences on both sides of the stage with the text COBHC on them plus two cameramen were taking footage during the whole gig.. seems like...
  18. Lari

    Chat with Warman and Blacksmith!

    Just a reminder about the chat today! Here's the newsitem from : 14.01.2003 : 21:30 - Chat with Warman and Blacksmith! Meet Janne and Henkka in Rockhard chat at, 28.01.2003 18:00 CET(17:00 GMT/UTC)!
  19. Lari

    New Shirts

    from the guestbook : Message : Milloinhan mahdollisesti ilmestyy tämän uuden mahtavan, upean, loistavan levyn tiimoilta paitoja, jne. muuta fanikrääsää? Tuesday, January 14, 2003 10:24:31 PM Answer : Uudet paidat pitäisi saapua minä hetkenä hyvänsä. Pian niitä saa ostaa tämän...
  20. Lari

    High-Quality HCDR cover

    If I remember right, some of you were looking for it. Well, here it is :