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    ATT the dirty bastards who stole my car & Amp

    ok ..... this is an open letter to the dirty low life scum that stole my car on sunday night!!! inside my car was my marshall 1960b cab and my trace elliot 100w combo. anyone who has seen Sweet Decay has seen my gear (and possibly my car, white fairmont geha early 90's model rego.. 663 icv)...
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    Something Very New!!!

    New band from the gold coast, have a look! just did our first show at the hard rock cafe here on the coast and drew more people than the other gigs in town that night! Not bad for a band no one has heard before!
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    Drummer, Needed, NOW!!!!

    Right, Gold Coast band Seven13 are after a new drummer! our current drummer is going to stay with us untill we find a new guy! The reason he is leaving is ....well he has no passion for the music! and we need some one that has tons of passion. the music is a pretty good mix of metal styles, we...
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    100 God Damn Posts!!!

    well there it is I have joined the 100 club!!! who's with me!:D :cool: :loco: :rock: :Smokin: :flame: :notworthy
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    going to sydney

    hey all, i'm going to be in sydney for a month (training for a new job) and i was just wondering what the good music stores are (other than red eye and utopia) and any cool (metal) clubs, gigs and anything else that i can get up to. let me know!
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    what do you all think of the up coming Mayhem tour??? it should be interesting to see how they go!
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    powder monkies?

    does anyone know how i can get a hold of some old powder monkies albums , "time wounds all heals" or somthing like that?? :confused:
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    over cranked

    Well who's going to over cranked in Brizzie next week??? should be a good day.
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    what the fuck happened to metal mags

    Australia used to have some cool metal mags that were avalable at news agents all over the place. zines like In Your Face and Rebel Razor. (i don't include hot metal or loudmouth because they wern't the best and they were very commercial) i did do some writing for In Your Face but all of a...