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  1. T

    upgrading - ad/da question

    Well I've finally decided to leave my firepod setup and switch to something a bit more "professional." I've been slowly building up my preamp collection over the past few years with API and neve clones, Joe meek stuff, etc... I'm wanting to leave the all in one interfaces behind. I understand...
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    i got offered a trade...

    So as everyone knows, I have been trying to sell my 6505+. I was contacted via email from a guy wanting to trade heads up for a Krank Rev 1 head that's stuck on the distortion channel. It changes channels if you use the footswitch. I have never played a rev 1 and don't have the time to find...
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    F/S: Peavey 6505+

    I am selling my peavey 6505+ head for 600 + shipping from Cali. I will post pics tonight when I get home. Its in working order but could use a retube. It's been played Live and in the studio but is in great shape. If interested please pm me.
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    New SOILWORK song...

    Sorry if it's been posted already, but I didn't see it if it had. I think it's a killer song. Enjoy.
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    POSSIBLY FS: Audio Technica AT4050 Condenser and Non-Working Firepod

    I'm in a tight spot right now and am having to get rid of some stuff that I otherwise wouldn't get rid of. It's fine though cause now I have a real reason to upgrade. :Smug: As of now I am selling the following: (1) Audio Technica AT4050 Condenser -Works Very Well - Comes with the...
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    First natural/real drum recording....

    Hey guys, please take a listen and let me know if you can actually hear anything wrong with these drum recordings besides the timing on a few spots. This is the first real drum recording thats done with our new firestudio. These aren't metal songs, it's our drummers other band. I'm just...
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    Well the time has come to record an EP....(TX GUYS COME IN)

    The time has come for us to record again, however my trusty firepod finally died and I don't wanna spend the money to repair it because I'm upgrading to RME soon. Any of you guys in Houston (or pretty much anywhere in Texas in general) down for recording a good band, with good gear, who is...
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    Looking for more music like this....

    I was going through my old CDs yesterday and found this song... It's very atypical of their style but it's my favorite song on the album. I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend songs or artists that sound like this? Any help would be appreciated.
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    me and a turkish stopsign...

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    Me whining, please don't read this....

    I just realized that I've never gotten one thing in my life that I have truely wanted. Anyone else ever have such a sobering realization? What was it and how did you deal with it?
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    Hey guys, post your bands promo pics!

    As a few of you guys know, my band is getting ready to record an album. We're having it mixed by someone from this very board just have decided 100% on who yet but we are leaning heavily towards two people. In releasing this album there's a lot of stuff we have to do and promo pictures are on...
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    How does this look so far?

    I'm currently working on my bands myspace layout so everything looks crackin' when I put the mixed demo up next month for everyone to hear (just shitty clips now). We're also getting ready for an album that should be 100% completed by December. Just trying to build a little buzz. Anyways...
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    So my band is gonna record our EP and I'm not comfortable...

    Well, the 10 song EP is written now. We're gonna be recording it when I get home from Europe and god I can't fucking wait. Anyways we're gonna be tracking it ourselves. I've done hours and hours of research and practicing on how to get decent source tones. What I'm not comfortable with...
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    Can anybody recommend some....

    ...instrumental metal albums? I am a huge fan of the Jeff Loomis solo album. I'm not necessarily wanting shred, just metal instrumental stuff (they might go hand in hand though...). But anyways, I'm just looking for something pretty close to that quality and intensity. Weird is good. Help a...
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    Anybody wanna have a go at my bands logo?

    The name of my band is Only Revolutions and we currently need a logo. If any of you guys would wanna give it a shot I would love to see what you can come up with. We don't really know what we want so go crazy. :-) Think Unearth meets Veil of Maya as far as the sound goes. Thanks in advance...
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    Cool meshuggah video if ya haven't seen it...

    if its been posted before sorry but I thought it was cool.
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    So I'm finally gonna upgrade my rig...

    I know I've been talking about it forever but now I am finally going to do it. I've pieced together a little system that I think will be nice, however I need a little bit of help deciding on some pieces. I'm trying to find mostly used stuff but we'll see what happens. I'm pretty sure I'm...
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    Post your post-christmas studio rigs.....

    Please be as detailed as possible. I want pics and detailed explanations of whats going on. GO!
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    So I'm in the Netherlands now...

    And I'll probably be here for the next 6 months. Anybody got any suggestions of some cool shit to do?
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    CAPARISON SPAM! Selling my Horus...

    Alright guys, I hate to do it but I have to as I need the money. What we have here is a Caparison Snowcloud Horus with EMG 81/SA in the bridge and neck respectively. It also has the 18 volt mod. The only other mod is that the push/push pot has been changed to a push/pull. It has been gigged...