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    You Are Not A Gadget Jaron Lanier, a Silicon Valley visionary since the 1980s, was among the first to predict the revolutionary changes the World Wide Web would bring to commerce and culture. Now, in his first book, written more than two decades...
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    LaZarus A.D. - "Black Rivers Flow"

    an album trailer of my latest mix, to be released on Metal Blade on Feb.1, 2011, featuring the first "single", The Ultimate Sacrifice. this is a great METAL record, and i thoroughly enjoyed mixing it.
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    Reaper style "slip" editing in PT

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    Reaper style "slip" editing in PT

    first time to the forum in a good while.... but i wanted to read was being said about 9.... and i noticed the "slip" editing thing come up again. in the past i never really snapped to what everyone was on about because PT has a "Slip Mode", which just means that the grid is disabled...
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    funky karaoke

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    SD video premiere... my mix

    here's the link to watch the premiere of System Divide's "The Apex Doctrine" video, the first single from their upcoming "The Conscious Sedation" full-length debut on Metal Blade Records, which i mixed: definitely worth choosing one of the HD viewing options and...
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    General silliness (donkey content)

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    AIM trouble

    i'm somehow locked out of both of my AIM accounts.... it doesn't matter what client i use... AIM, iChat, web interface, meebo.... doesn't matter... i cannot sign on. i just get his message: >You have attempted to sign on too many times. Please try again in a few minutes.< even...
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    History of Auto-Tune & the birth of the Auto-Tune "meme".

    informative & funny.
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    Gun Control

    This one made my day!!! BUTTE, MONTANA Shotgun wielding preteen vs. Home Invaders... Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez, 23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably believed they would easily overpower home-alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two-story home...
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    System Divide - "The Conscious Sedation" album trailer the official album trailer for the latest upcoming label release i've worked on, System Divide - "The Conscious Sedation"... it's more fun to watch and listen on the full sized player on youtube though.... you can hear one full track on the band's...
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    Xbox LIve Gamertags

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    i know my rights, I KNOW MY RIGHTS!! well good for you Steve... then you should be familiar with your rights to get tased and crap your pants. :lol:
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    my new fave hip-hop track/vid

    my fave hip-hop track/vid: go to youtube though watch and listen to it full screen ;)
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    '70's Hard Rock

    i grew up on this stuff, even though most of it was already out for some time even when i was a kid... but my dad was into it and had a huge record collection.... i've recently been on a kick, during my brief available recreational listening time of late, of resurrecting these old gems from the...
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    just wanted to try browsing the forum and posting a thread using Safari on my step-father's iPad.... And I have to say that it's fucking genius... Cannot wait to get mine. Yeah I have an IPhone so I seriously questioned the usefulness of an iPad for myself... But after using his for just...
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    "white folk gonna rise up, i'm tellin' ya!"

    "the long-legged mac daddy gonna push 'em 'til they RISE UP!" this guy reminds of the grouchy self-hating old black guy on Boondocks... seriously, what the hell?