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  1. Scavneck

    Attic Studios Project

    Hello my fellow methul maddafakkas. As some of you know I've become an audio engineer recently and have built a studio with a friend of mine in Belgrade. The studio was completely designed and built by our own hands. We found that the best way to promote our Attic Studio was to make 2 monthly...
  2. Scavneck

    Happy burday Joakim

    That which the title says. All the best beardo :kickass:
  3. Scavneck

    Jonas Bergkvist Happy Birfday

    I hope you "DIE!" many times today xD All the best fucko.
  4. Scavneck


    Would like to know from you guys if I'm on the right path here. If anyone else wants to post their writing.. that would be cool. _________________________________________________________ Ominous Black Mattress A black mattress spreading fast upon mankind's throne Eternal hordes...
  5. Scavneck

    Metal Image

    this is a question directed more to people who don't believe Mr. Lucifer exists as an entity and likes to make humans his sex bitches hehe I've been often confronted with people asking me why does metal, especially Death Metal use "Satanic" symbols, why is it aggressive and why do we see each...
  6. Scavneck

    Metal Image

    This is a question directed more to people who don't believe Mr. Lucifer exists as an entity and likes to make humans his sex bitches hehe. I've been often confronted with people asking me why does metal, especially Death Metal use "Satanic" symbols, why is it aggressive and why do we see each...
  7. Scavneck


    Happened to the Death Metal Bands thread? am I fucking blind and not able to find it? anyways, I wanted to post something about these kids called Hackneyed the song Gut Candy was written by a 14 year old guitarist and it slays if someone posted...
  8. Scavneck

    upsey daisey

    EDIT: IT DOESN'T MATTER BUT not sure if anyone noticed and talked about it here at the forum Akerfeldt made 2 mistakes in Bastard Son of God, right at the beginning of the 1st line and at the same part after the bridge, so he repeats "he's the nova that will drape sky in woe" to keep the right...
  9. Scavneck


  10. Scavneck

    Chad Vader anyone a Star Wars fan and haven't seen this? xD
  11. Scavneck

    Favorite rhythm guitar during a solo on UTP

    this might be kinda silly but I always love to enjoy the instrumental part that goes behind the solos so what is your favorite instrumental/rhythm guitar part during a solo on UTP? I think I'll go for Blasting the Virginborn
  12. Scavneck

    some review I read about Resurrection Through Carnage

    this is a review I read at ___________________________________________________ blah... - 32% Written by Rottrephile on April 17th, 2003 First off let me say that individually, I hate every single band that each member of Bloodbath has been involved with...