Search results

  1. LSD-Studio

    amps, guits, pups. TESTCLIPS

    here are some more files for you to mess around with. amps are: Krankenstein+ Recto 5150 not much tweaking has been done, so they might have quite different amounts of gain etc. guits are: CS ESP MII: Alder Body, Maple neck (bolt on), EMG85 CS ESP MI : Alder Body, Maple Neck...
  2. LSD-Studio

    SD sh-18 (NEW) soundtest (5150 /recto)

    hey, here's a wee snippet from a band I have produced and am mixing atm. guitarist used the new SH-18 "alternative" pickup...I thought it was really good sounding (my favorite duncan so far I think). chain: first half: 2 tracks of 5150->mesa cab->1xsm47->API in the second half two...
  3. LSD-Studio

    guess the amp

    here's another "guess the amp" thread..... mics are sm57 and m160 blended, no EQ of course: mystery amp (DI are from Metaltastic's thread)
  4. LSD-Studio

    guesbook spam..need help from comp-geek

    hey, I'm a total idiot when it comes to homepages, computers and all that stuff... since quite some time my guestbook is being spammed like crazy, I've already asked 5 people I know (some professional, some not) to help me and put in a captcha. some said "that's not my language, can't work...
  5. LSD-Studio

    I wanna give the POD XT one last chance...

    k, I've tweaked it for ages, got "ok" sounds, but always, when comparing it to a real amp", I had to admit that the POD sounds are FAR inferior. some of you got decent results with a POD....I'm askinf for one decent sounding preset (no metalpack installed) to give it a last try before this...
  6. LSD-Studio

    need help getting snaretones I don't like :)

    Hey, just mixing this pretty cool band (chick-singer). on request of the band (well, the drummer) I left the drums natural (cept kick-augmenting). unfortunately the desired snaretones are pretty much exactly what I try to avoid...given references were LoG Sacrament, some Slipknot, 3inches of...
  7. LSD-Studio

    reversesample for you

    I just created tons of reverse-samples cause I was searching for some special effect for the beginning of the song. I though some of you might wanna have one (this is one I didn't use). I know, most people on this board know how to make these themselves, but there are always some people...
  8. LSD-Studio

    need quick midi to piano

    hey, I've got this wee miditrack,would be awesome if someone could help me out with as great sounding piano (thinking eastwest etc) appreciated
  9. LSD-Studio

    Warwick-TS808-Recto-SVT Classic MIC SHOOTOUT!

    here's asmall mic-shootout. I didn't tweak the amp or mic-position in any way, so don't expect great sounds. (just straight in the middle, about 5-8 cm from grillcloth (to maintain an equal distance with the sm7) chain: warwick vampire-->ts808--Y2ch Recto---Ampeg SVT classic 4x10...
  10. LSD-Studio

    same cab, same speakertype...shootout

    here's 4 speakers (all v30) in the same cab...which one do you prefer? BL BR TR TL
  11. LSD-Studio

    short Engl vs. Mesa Comparison (4x12 v30)

    here's a short's doubletracked through My Rectifier (boosted with 808). the mic-position was as similar as possible, I'm pretty sure it was pretty much the same. I did not try to get a perfect sound, but have just run the signal through the Rec with relatively standard
  12. LSD-Studio

    The New Alestorm - Black Sails At Midnight

    fuckin hell, I'm just listening to the final masters and it fucking slays!! James did the mastering on this one and he did a great job! I gotta kiss my own ass a bit as well cause I gotta say the mix and whole production is far from being shit as well ;) I can't show you anything yet (but will...
  13. LSD-Studio

    passive duncan sh-15 tonetest

    hey, here's ashort clip using the sh-15. I'm still a fan of EMGs and like them better than any passive pup, but I dig this duncan more than sh-4 etc. and no, this is nota finished mix ;) (not even halfway)..I just thought I'd leave the backing in so you can judge EQ on the guits...
  14. LSD-Studio

    Aussi guys, need your help

    Hey HAck, Moonlapse, Padaobi and co... I'll be producing an australian Band somewhen in the last 4 month of 2009. Since the budget will be rather small I'm looking for an affordable (but still good quality) solution to track Drums in Oz...perfect would be around Brisbane are...I do know that...
  15. LSD-Studio

    rendering EA in PT

    just playing around with elastic audio in PT, trying to figure out how to make ea-edited drms sound good etc... here's the problem....after having moved a hit to the grid, I wanted to render...PT shows the process, and doesn't freeze or anything....BUT: after rendering the previously perfect...
  16. LSD-Studio

    trying new guitartones, please comment

    hey,... I'm just working on this project and trying to get some cool guitartones (rh-guit) that aren't TOOO typical LSD...although that's a really tough thing to do, cause I've got my taste and find myself searching for a similar tone over and over again.... anyway, here's a roughmix, please...
  17. LSD-Studio

    tons of drumsamples for you

    .....some shite, some good....most of them have been posted before I'm cleaning my server and am about to delete all the samples I'd uploaded.... so if you wanna have them grab them now....put them on your server or whatever if you want. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  18. LSD-Studio

    another "new cab day"

    today I bought the Marshall 1960. although I don't really like this one too much I thought it'd be a nice thing to have in a studio... can't wait to have a couple of days to test and compare
  19. LSD-Studio

    mic comparison..CELLO!!! ribbon vs. LDC

    just recording a Cello... here are two different mics, simial position beyerdynamic m160 AKG c414 I'm digging both..the 414 has this nice "breathing", and the m160 the warmth I adore. both are giving me goosebumps don't need you to rate or so...just thought you might enjoy...
  20. LSD-Studio

    short JSX+Mesa+passive pups sample (Metaltastic, come in ;) )

    k, here's a short sample w/o much mic-tweaking etc. doubletracked , no post processing sh-15-ts808-JSX-mesa-57-api-rme JSX goal was to get a kinda modern but still vintage metalcore meets iced earth (that's why it's a bit thinner/fizzier than I'd usually do it)...dunno. ignore...