Search results

  1. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    New interview with Andy, tips inside

    A lot of it has been covered here years ago, but it's still a good read:
  2. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Tainted Studio - recording, mixing, mastering, bad relationship advice

    Heya! After being away from the audio world for a while, I'm back in business! I provide recording, mixing, mastering and re-amping for your music creating and listening pleasure. To keep things short, I've been turning knobs for 12 years or so now, sometimes full-time, sometimes part-time, and...
  3. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Back in business - new studio space

    As some of you know, I used to do mixing and mastering in a small extra bedroom setup, and tracking on lock-out at other studios. I've been out of the game for a couple of years, but slowly building up a new setup, and just last week I found a spot I can afford and set up shop there. It's an...
  4. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Roll call

    Hey dudes and dudettes! Haven't really been here in ages and stopped by to say hey. Any of the old-timers still around? What's up? Still in the studio business? How's it treating ya? I'm slowly getting back in the game after a bit of a financial catastrophe and doing something completely...
  5. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    The DIY thread

    I couldn't find the old thread (or was there even one?). Being a tweaker and a fan of oddball equipment by heart, I love talking and seeing DIY audio stuff. Show me your handiwork! :dopey: I'm a fuzz enthusiast, and my latest project is a custom fuzz pedal called Ahab. It's basically the...
  6. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    FS: Focal Twin 6BE + stands (Finns only!)

    Sorry dudes from other countries, but shipping these would be a pain in the ass and I'm too concerned they'd be damaged or lost on the way, so I'm only selling these to fellow Finns. In short, I have zero need for my Focal Twin monitors now and I'm in desperate need for some quick cash. I'm...
  7. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Just formatted my iMac

    Holy shit, it's like I have a new computer :zombie: It's a late 2009 27" i5 model. For the past months it's been REALLY sluggish. Bootup took like 3 minutes, the HD was constantly making noise, beach balls, overall slowness. ProTools would behave erratically and Photoshop was laggy as all...
  8. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Fuck Wavelab. In the face. With a knife.

    As some of you know, Wavelab's workflow is a bit... unconventional. When working in Audio Montage mode, instead of saving all the plugins with the montage (eg. the master session file), you save a master section preset for each project. So when I open a mastering session, I first open the...
  9. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    OS X Mountain Lion

    Official info here: Coming this summer!
  10. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Hateskor - Unbroken (my latest work)

    I don't post my work here that often, but I liked how this one turned out and thought I'd share it with you. I mixed this band's debut album a bit over a year ago, and now that they have some new members, they're releasing a single which I mixed and mastered: The label didn't upload a HQ...
  11. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Avid won't be around in five years/they're doomed/look, charts!

    ...or not. I've seen those claims plenty, but here's some good news for a change:
  12. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    New Jet City amps @ NAMM'12

    Firstly, a JCA20H with MIDI controls: And then, it looks like they're entering the boutique market with an expensive one. Earhart, a $2499 head that works with both EL34 and 6L6 tubes...
  13. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Public drunkness legal in Finland "It's not okay here in Tennessee"
  14. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Saw Mastodon yesterday

    They were fucking flawless. Insane show, 23 songs, perfect set list, even the vocals were absolutely spot-on save for Crack the Skye. Easily in the top-5 of the gigs I have seen, might be even the second best after Faith No More. Haven't been this excited about a band in ages :D
  15. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Refused reunion
  16. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    My awesome stoner rock topic

    I need a place to babble about ridiculously awesome stone rock/metal and everything remotely related. Post your favorites! Lately I've been digging the fuck out of Red Fang's S/T. They were supposed to open for Mastodon, which would have been a perfect match, but they're skipping the Finland...
  17. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    What's Sneap up to?

    I realized I have no idea of his current work. What's he working on now? What's coming up? The last I saw of him here was the AWS console porn thread.
  18. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Pro Tools HD + Thunderbolt rumours

    Just saw this: Seems like an interesting concept. I for one am all for Thunderbolt, so I kinda like where this is going. On the other hand, seems like now is definitely not the...
  19. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Show us your studio 2012 [room / racks / backline]

    New year, new studio porn time. Let's see 'em!
  20. Jarkko Mattheiszen

    Hey Marcus