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  1. KevinPARM

    Scott Ruth of DIM MAK/Ripping Corpse - NEW interview Enjoy :kickass:
  2. KevinPARM

    Eyes of Fire interview

    Here's a link to an interview I conducted with Matt Fischer. Hope this is okay ti post in this forum :goggly:
  3. KevinPARM

    What DAN needs to do to shut us bastards up...

    Form another death metal-ish band, release album and get the fuck over to the USA for a tour. This way, instead of our gushing via HTML we can be really truly pathetic and worship him in person. (flowers, candy, the whole nine yards). :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  4. KevinPARM

    How to change background color ???

    I can't see anything with the background or wallpaper as BLACK. I need to change the color scheme somehow. Can I do this? I post over at Dan Swano's forum his backgroun is light BLUE, I can see everything, so no need to make any changes. Why on earth anyone would choose BLACK :OMG:
  5. KevinPARM

    Lyrics to Crimson & Twilight - inspired by ELFQUEST comic?

    There was always a heavy similarity in it to me, but probably just more wishful thinking on my part. for those who never read the comic/graphic novel. :) :) :)
  6. KevinPARM

    Are us internet weenies blowing this out of proportion?

    Do we really know if Anders/Jonas and Dan are now on bad terms ? It seems that us fans are the ones freaking out, but Dan didn't seem to be overly upset by it or "all fired up". Granted, Dan is the equivalent of Zeus, so why should anything upset him at the end of the day, when he's head...