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  1. Fuentealba

    Dan Swanö interview for Sunlight Studios website

    I don't know if this has been posted before but I found this cool interview: cheers!
  2. Fuentealba

    Dan, any news?

    Hey Dan, I was wondering what's up with your life lately? any projects? any cool band you can recommend? Cheers from Chile!
  3. Fuentealba

    M-Audio Radium61 Installation Issue

    Hi There: A friend of mine gave me a M-Audio Radium61 just to try it for a few weeks, unfortunately I'm having problems installing the Keyboard, I've downloaded the latest Mac drivers and nothing. I know that if you install a MIDI Controller, it should be installed in...
  4. Fuentealba

    WTF is wrong with YouTube?

    Everytime I wanna see a video, a message appears that is no longer available, it doesn't happen with one or two vidz, it happens with all of them. is just me or this shite is whack? :( cheers
  5. Fuentealba

    Krank Rev Jr. Question

    I got a Krank Rev Jr Full Stack and I need to know how much ohms does it take to have the two cabinets connected , It says 16ohms parallel and that confuses me. Right now, the switch is on 16ohms, but I was reading the manual and it says that should be on 8 ohms. Please help thanks...
  6. Fuentealba

    Drummap for DFHS (Logic 8)

    Hey dudes, I was really pissed off cuz I couldn´t make any drums on Logic, but now is over, I´ve just made a drummap for hyperediting. I´m very excited about this so If you want this drummap just send me a PM. P.S.: is for DFHS Cheers!
  7. Fuentealba

    Stupid Question (Or Not?) About Fretless Guitars

    can I make my Fretted guitar fretless?, what do you think? cheers
  8. Fuentealba

    Bloodbath´s Nightmares Made Flesh Guitar Sound

    I don´t know if someone asked about this (I did a proper search BTW). Dan What amps were used on Nightmares Made Flesh? the tone is amazing, how did you get it? cheers!
  9. Fuentealba

    Ripped off

    I bought DFHS over ebay, the DVDs arrived today but without the serial key, I tried to install it on my Mac using Logic and it seems that I need the upgrade for this because I couldn´t find it as a AU, I don´t know that to say, I`m so pissed off that I wanna kill someone, ebay fucking sucks...
  10. Fuentealba

    Purgatory Afterglow

    I was wondering if I still have the chance to get that album, here in my home country is very difficult to get it (not the other ones), do you guys know if Black Mark still releasing that album. thanks in advance and cheers
  11. Fuentealba


    Hey Dan, I was listening to Infernal and I heard this nice lead guitar tone at the beginning of the song. sounds like wah with flanger, am I correct? do you remember what kind of effect did you use for getting that solo tone? thanks pretty awesome. thanks in advance and cheers to all
  12. Fuentealba

    help with pots (guitar)

    I bought 2 pickups, Invader and Dimarzio X2N for my 7 strings guitar.. I was thinking about changing the pots, I have a spare one that EMG's pickups brings with it, will it work fine? should I buy another ones? I know that EMG's pots are 25k, so my thought is that is too little for...
  13. Fuentealba

    Seymour Duncan 7 Strings Invader pickup

    I was thinking of change my generic pick ups and I was wondering how is SD invader NECK pickup? I have received a lot of good props about the bridge one. can anyone tell me how good (or bad) the neck pickup is? thanks in advance buddies
  14. Fuentealba


    is way better than Bloodbath... PERIOD :D:D:D:D just wanted to say that :P
  15. Fuentealba


    hello buddies, let me tell you a story: once, when I started this music passion, I mean recording and all, I bought a piece of equipment that I think I haven't seen in any threads. this piece of equipment is called J-station, I did get a lot a cool tones with that amp modeler. the question...
  16. Fuentealba

    Metal Zone as a tubescreamer

    hello guys, I wanna know if any of you have worked with a Metal Zone as a booster, I also want to know if any of you have test it on a Pod XT thanks !!!
  17. Fuentealba


    hello, slow days uh?
  18. Fuentealba

    active pickups (7 strings guitars)

    I was wondering, are there any active pickups besides EMG-707? I'm very curious, because I haven't seen any but EMG. thanks buddies!
  19. Fuentealba

    how many times do you record solos?

    do you overdub them?, just one time? I would love to know thanks
  20. Fuentealba

    your POD experience...

    I was wondering, I've used only two of the amps that POD emulate (Dual Rect y JCM 900). my question is: you, that may used some of the other amps and cabs, could tell us what do you really think about your POD experience and if you have tried the real deal, does POD do it's job properly? I...