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  1. Undefined

    Kids these days...

    ...seriously wtf. :err: :err: :hahamiddlefinger:
  2. Undefined


    Best fucking thing I have seen in years.
  3. Undefined

    Good Metal

    I haven't been up on this shit for so long I don't know who's good or not. Share some worthwhile to listen to bands that aren't that well known.
  4. Undefined

    Seriously U.K.?

    Harden the fuck up. Hotelier leaves home for a week so it can be decorated . . . then 15 jobless Italian squatters move in FULLSTORY: Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because...
  5. Undefined


    I can't even laugh, I just feel bad for it... not even bad... more like compelled to put it out of its misery, and sad that I can't. :\ Seriously, after this: You just want to shoot it in the face to end its suffering.
  6. Undefined

    So what now?

    Now that the SA tour has been cancelled, what does the band have on the agenda... I imagine you are all regrouping from this unfortunate news and busy with other things in yours lives but I am curious to know what is in the works. I know Dave has returned to the states so any kind of tour in...
  7. Undefined

    I'm going to cut my hair!

    Give me ideas for hairstyles. I have dogshit sense of style. If you need pics of me to see what I look like now I can do that.
  8. Undefined

    Workout Music Thread

    I guess this thread is a good idea because it is getting hard for me to download 5 dance albums and go through every track just to end up with maybe 7 songs I really like. We can share the music we love to workout to, no matter how gay. Personally, I have different songs for each cardio activity...
  9. Undefined

    Who has the balls?? [MUSICIANS LOOK HERE]

    To hook up with me and work on movie soundtracks/scoring? Who here has the skills and the time? I know you guys are one of the few groups that can actually fucking put out quality work on an album unlike most of places that just talk about it and do nothing or just suck dick in the process. As...
  10. Undefined


    Funniest fucking thing I have seen in ages. :lol:
  11. Undefined

    80 people dead because of this shit...

    WHO GIVES A FUCK... Because of what that RETARDED PARAGRAPH describes, some other idiots decided to do this: Honestly, what the fuck is the matter with people?
  12. Undefined

    Boring trolls are boring... I wonder if Dio would have saw this coming... :lol:
  13. Undefined


    Where the fuck do you live? I have been here for how long now and I still don't know what country is unfortunate enough to be the host of your existence :loco:... I've narrowed it down to Russia or South America. I need answers.
  14. Undefined

    I would like to buy your JEW1000

    Please telegram me with your price and swiss account number. k thx. I'm fucking serious btw.
  15. Undefined

    Slick Jimmy Smitts

    This is a short movie that we made for film class. By we I mean me. My entire crew literally dropped out of school, just me and the guy in the mullet remained. Except he knows nothing about film. All things considered it turned out good, it was meant to be a bit different but the footage was so...
  16. Undefined


    basically, I need some dinner by the end of tonight. I dont care if it tastes like shit it just needs to make some sense and not be too spicy (tastebuds FAIL) I need 3 courses and a dessert. the recipe is called Tuna Casserole and its in for 4hr/4mins at 365°F. Cheers
  17. Undefined

    No. Just no. Everything that makes you think or say "No.", post it here.
  18. Undefined

    Just had a question about this website, as it seems to have been abandoned. I don't know if you guys have simply switched to using the Myspace as your official page after Asgeir's departure but I was wondering if it will ever be used again. The wallpapers and the videos do not load anymore...
  19. Undefined

    What happened to Brutal Hate?

    Not that I care, I more or less wanted to point out the fact that he disappeared after he posted a pic and we all mocked him mercilessly. I may have been wrong, he might have actually been real and not a massive troll. And we broke his spirit. I predict some priest in Finland is gonna pay for...
  20. Undefined

    To anyone who knows anything about harddrives...

    My idiot girlfriend (RAAAAAAAAAAGE) knocked my external HDD onto the floor (fell not even 12 inches onto carpet). Now it won't work at all, the LED turns on, I hear the goddamn click of death noise but it fails to boot up and doesn't show up on the computer... Google has told me 3 things: 1...