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  1. prometheus7


    I've been listening to Judas Priest's "Firepower" lately. When I first heard the intro to the song "Necromancer", I was like something sounds familiar. I realized that when the voices come in, it reminded me of Theocracy's "Nailed". Maybe it's just me.
  2. prometheus7

    Theocracy T-Shirt sighting

    This happened in my hometown. We've been praying for this young man's recovery. It seems he is a Theocracy fan, as you see he is wearing their shirt in the video...
  3. prometheus7

    Closest thing to a Christmas song from Theocracy this year

    In case you didn't see this already. The quality on this is awesome.
  4. prometheus7

    It's that time of year ...

    ... when one of the forum members steps up to the plate and asks the overworked and underpaid Matt if he is going to come out with a Christmas song. It's practically a holiday tradition at this point and I believe it officially starts the Christmas season in some small Scandinavian town. So...
  5. prometheus7

    Worldview - The Chosen Few

    Some people here might enjoy this release: It has George Ochoa (Recon, Deliverance) and Rey Parra (Sacred Warrior) in it. I've been listening to an early copy, and it is REALLY good.
  6. prometheus7

    Morse Fest

    So I hear that Matt Smith is goign to be performing at Morse Fest. Somebody must be beside themselves like a kid at Christmas. ;)
  7. prometheus7

    What is the next step?

    So I was just wondering, what was next for the band? It's been about 2 1/2 years since ATWB, you guys just released the remixed S/T album. Another album in the works? Touring? Matt Smith solo? Theocracy's own brand of Wine or Coffee?
  8. prometheus7

    Warpriest - "We Three Kings" (Gathering Gloom Version)

    If you are looking for a Christmas song this year with soaring lead vocals, thick harmonies, sweet melodic guitar leads and epic changes, then look no further. This is not it! :P I hope all the Americans had a great Thanksgiving and that everyone is looking forward to a great Holiday season...
  9. prometheus7

    Stryper/Theocracy Tour?

    At the Christian Metal Realm, Michael Sweet posted this question: I thought some of you would be interested in that. ;)
  10. prometheus7

    Warpriest - The Witch

    Besides my artwork, I'm also a musician. I've been playing metal for over 20 years now. My first love is the bass, but I also play some guitar and can sing a little. About 17 years ago, I put down my music and got into graphic design and raising my family. A couple of months ago, I decided...
  11. prometheus7

    2013 Calendar of Artwork

    Some of you may know that I do album cover artwork, and that I did the artwork for "Mirror of Souls". If not, you know now. :P I also have done work with Bride, Deliverance, Adiastasia, King James & Retroactive Records. A couple of years back I produced and sold a calendar of my artwork. This...
  12. prometheus7

    Theocracy's As the World Bleeds - $4.99 Amazon download Great deal for today!
  13. prometheus7

    Mr. Shawn Benson

    After listening to "As the World Bleeds", I just want to say that you are one fine drummer. And sexy too. I want to take back all the jokes I made about how the drum machine was better than you because it kept better time and was never late to practice. You are definitely on the list as one of...
  14. prometheus7

    The Direction of Theocracy IV

    I know that 3 (As the World Bleeds) isn't even out yet, but I am looking towards Theocracy 4 already. With the world of metal in a constant state of flux and innovation (Think Metallica's "Lulu"), I am hoping to forsee the future, and I believe this is it. Hopefully Matt can push 4 into this...
  15. prometheus7

    Favorite Theocracy Christmas Song

    With the holiday season upon us, what is your favorite Theocracy Christmas song (so far)? They are organized in alphabetical format. I am also allowing multiple choice. If you feel inclined, list them in the order you like them.
  16. prometheus7

    Theocracy @ The Masquerade March 12, 2010

    Anybody from the Atlanta surrounding area going to this concert? I'm thinking about it. From the Masquerades website, it looks like they will be on the bill with "Deathloch(CD Release), Reverse Negative, Throat Punch, Theocracy, Painbody, & Cataleptic Burial" in the "Heaven" room. After...
  17. prometheus7

    Death Is Gain: The artist behind MOS

    Hello all, I hope this is alright to do this here. As some of you may know, I'm the artist behind the album cover for "Mirror Of Souls" (and Rudolph vs. Frosty! ;)). I just spent the last 6 months or so creating a 13 month calendar of my artwork for 2010 as well as getting my store built...
  18. prometheus7

    What is Matt best at?

    I'm doing this just for fun. Listening to Theocracy, I am struck by Matt's guitar playing, which I think he is very proficient at. Then I was thinking about his singing, and then his songwriting. That lead me to the idea of this poll. :)
  19. prometheus7

    What day is Tomorrow?

    Hmmm, anybody thinking about tomorrow and what it may hold? :rolleyes: Unless someone is very busy. Just talking historically wise.
  20. prometheus7

    Mirror Of Souls Review

    Can a sophomore release from a first time heavy hitter strike another home run? DISCLAIMER:First of all I worked on the artwork for this album. So there, got that out of the way. :) Secondly, I am not a big follower of "Prog" metal that Theocracy gets labeled with, so this is my take on this...