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  1. erni

    It's christmas time...

    ...yay! :) Here you can talk about the best time of the year! :D For example: your feelings in those few weeks before christmas, what kind of presents you give to your friends and family, how you spend the christmas time, typical things for christmas, Santa Claus, what you will you do...
  2. erni

    Happy Birthday Nikki! :)

    ...tzz, and none of you makes a thread for her? Shame on you! :p Here's your birthday thread, Nikki!! :D Happy birrrthdaaay!! :)
  3. erni

    World Of Warcraft Meeting thingy

    Hellooo...! :) Does anyone here play World of Warcraft and will go to that biiiig meeting in germany today/tomorrow (which is in my house :erk:)? I was just wondering, would be cool if I'd see someone from here today/tomorrow. :p I think the chance is small, but it's worth a try. ;)...
  4. erni

    Happy Easter, everyone!!

    Happy Easter, everyone!! :) Buona Pasqua! Feliz Pascua! Joyeuses Pâques! Veselé Velikonoce! Kellemes Húsvétot! Pozdrovlaju s voskresenijem! Fuhuo Jie Kuai Le! Frohe Ostern! Glaedelig Påske! Hauskaa Pääsiäistä! Kali Anesti! Sretan uskrs! Vrolijke Pasen! God Påske! Feliz...
  5. erni

    "Happy Birthday" to someone special...

    ...Happy Birthday, [my] Knarfi[bär]! :) I hope you'll have a nice day "tomorrow"'ll get my present for you on sunday...;) Shit, I still have to buy it... But, I already know what I could buy. :) A big big big hug for you...! :) :*
  6. erni

    Happy Birthday Cris!

    I said somewhere that I'll make a thread for your bithday, Cris. So here it is...:) Happy Birthday! :) I think there's no thread yet? If there is, I'm sorry...I didn't see. Edit:
  7. erni


    Happy Birthday Kaasdude. :)
  8. erni


    I have to write a short text about my course of education (?), my family and the rules in our family for an exchange to canada. (:kickass:!!!) Could you please read it and tell me where I made mistakes or how I could make it sound better? Here's the text: First of all I would like to...
  9. erni

    Where is the thread....

    ...where you can post ummm.... pics like this...? -> I can't find. :(
  10. erni

    What to you think? (new)

    And again... :erk: What do you think? Is the easterbunny white or brown?
  11. erni

    What do you think?

    Is the easterbunny white or brown? Or easterrabbit?
  12. erni

    Happy Birthday umosay!

    Happy Birthday! :)
  13. erni

    Happy Birthday CliffBurton!

    Happy Birthday! :)
  14. erni

    Nature Pics Thread.

    Some pics of the beautiful nature of sweden. <3 :)
  15. erni

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    Take a pic NOW and then post it. :) Sry. I'm bored. :p
  16. erni

    The weather in your city.

    What's the weather in your city at the moment? Sorry, I'm very bored. :p Here (in Osnabrück) it is rainy and cloudy. About 15° C.
  17. erni

    What are you doing at this moment?

    Hey! I wanted to start a thread where you can write what you're doing at this moment. I start: I'm listening to music right now and write into my diary. Sorry for my bad english. I hope you all understand me. :)
  18. erni

    Angels don't kill lyrics

    Hey! :wave: I've got a question: There are so many different lyrics of Angels don't kill... :erk: Does anybody know the right lyrics of Angels don't Kill? Thank you. :) (Sorry for my bad english :goggly: )